Sunday, April 3, 2011

Just say WHAT?

IPTA and IPTS is really bugging me. My parents has been bugging me about this almost every day now and I don't blame them for doing this to me because I won't be this serious without them around. Maybe if they weren't around I'd be the kinda' person who is more independent? Because i don't like to show off my independent skills to my family much. So maybe that's why my parents haven't had the courage to let me off by my own. But anyway, that's not the point now.

The UPU form is almost at it's due date and I got these IPTS forms keep on filling up my mail box almost everyday. Making me unsure of what I want for myself even more. For the choice of a living for: Money or Intrest? Be interested in money to be safe but that doesn't help when I want to choose a course to study in the near future right? I've been focusing on a course which I can polish my strong traits which is English. And my abilities in writting and story making. I don't know? I have interest of cause in teaching and being a writter. Besides that a screen writter is cool too. What about my abilities in video making. I think of it as a hobby so should I consider on taking it on as a career in the near future? AHHH! This is confusing. I don't want just to do what I like doing just because i want to. I need to think about what I need to do to keep on living and help those around me like my family.

I feel like I don't want to let them doown just because I am 3A's student. Just 3A's guys. What to do??? ;(

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