Monday, March 28, 2011

A move to change.

I want to tell the story when I went to get my results on the 23rd of March 2011. Well, seems too late to tell but the FB is still buzzing on what kinda' choices are we making for the future and stuff like that. Since I just online'ed myself I'm not sure what's the new buzz or anything. I just use sms. I sms'ed Haziq(Roy), Lidiya, Shahril, Sazmi, Izati(cousin) and more about the whole SPM related thing. A few days before getting my SPM results, I had a hard time sleeping. I don't think I was too nervous of anything. Maybe it was the fever I had but that fever was just a lie though I felt kinda hot on that very day.

Well, I was contacting Lidiya; well she contacted me on the time we should gather at school. I told her how I missed our classmates and all. What a surprised when I finally confessed how I miss 5E4! Yea, they were terrible to me, a whole lot! But I must be thankful because I won't ever understand any other classmates like them. The hardcore classmates I ever had in the century that taught me that not everyone can be trusted and treat you like you wanted. I hated them of cause but I turn to forget the reason why because time taught me about growing up and how many more unperfect-ness of human beings are just like them. So face them or leave. I shall end up meeting more kind of people like them but next time I do, I am ready. Mentally stronger.

I came so much early than anyone that day. I met Syaza(5M4) at the front gate. I had a talked with her about many things and about a 'certain someone' if she still remembers. Hihi.
Then I entered the school building and walked into seeing Encik Azlan and he invited me into the PK HEM's room. I thought he wanted a talk with me but I just he wanted me to feel company but he was busy so I went to the UBK's room instead to visit Pn. Azlin the counselor. There were Ainatul and Faisal who already there talking about futher studies and all that.

During the Form 5 reccess, I was on the move to meet the juniors. My juniors of cause. Stepping out the UBK's room was already scary when I realized lots of eyes were on me already. *sweat drops* The nerves were killing me. Then I saw Madam Ho just on the bridge connecting the Teacher's room and classes so I rushed over to surprise her. She was very happy to see me I guess. We talked for a while about my family and giving me support for the near future. Thanks teacher.

Afterwards, Raihah saw me from the Mecha floor ran up the stairs to the Elec floor and bounced on me. Quiet the rush! I guess we were both so glad to see each other. There we also so many other junior prefects who saw me that day and I was pleased to see them too. For everybody else who were there, they gave me strange looks. I'm not sure why.

It was almost 11a.m. Oh yea! I forgot to mention how I waited for Haziq to contact me when he arrives at SMTG. I'm not sure when was that but I certainly saw him that day. I met up with everyone I know at the main hall and no one looked sad but I'm sure they were all nervous. I hugged almost everyone except the boys and kept on smiling until the piece of paper with my SPM results were in my hands.

I made a promise. I would smile taking my results on that day to Sazmi. I don't know why he was there at the table with En Rosdi. Did he did it on purpose so he could see me again? Oh well, at least we could meet again. He was ranting it up on me this whole time so, why not? I did want to see him too. Kinda? He reminds me of how hard we tried to see each other, talk to each other and understand one another because we were so secretive about everything. He sealed about all those bad memories and pains I went through because he lent me those tiny bits of happiness which are priceless only to me.

Coming back to the school made quite a short change. Everyone tried to be nice to me somehow but I won't take anything for granted. Hope it was for good will. Seriously, I missed everyone. I didn't realize that was the only chance of seeing my schoolmates and decide on going home as soon my mom arrives to pick me up. Oh damn it!

I have learnt one thing; from PLKN and SMTG. That in life, friends come and go. There is no such thing as best friends but there are true friends. True friends who we will meet by coincedence at first sight but shall meet by fate at the second time around. That fate will gives us hope as written by GOD.
I hope that is also true. Amin...

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