Thursday, April 28, 2011

JPJ test

I got loads of comments of how hard it was for my friends to pass the JPJ test at their accociate Driving Academies. But walawehh! I PASSED. Believe it! On my first try. Hard enough to believe, isn't it? And it took me a whole day too. So I'm glad it was worth the wait on an empty stomach. Geez~!

I had to take two tests okay. The first one was the motorcycle test where I had to complete the whole motorcycle track. I had loads of tries and failures while riding the motorcycles there. Plus acciedents to go with it. Harsh. But I can't believe how I nailed it today.

Next was the car test. I had to complete the inside track first which was part 2 of the test. When was test 1? HAHA. Theory thingy, I think? I was in Session 2, Number 43. So I got to watch a few driving students before me and hey, some were awful to be honest and did I had to say it out loud in a scarsm way? :P Sorry guys but really. They failed. But not all of them. When it was my turn, the "akak" driving before me gave me tips to control the car I was about to enter. Thanks Akak! It was made easy for me and I did well on the Hill and all. I never done parking and 3 Penjuru so well! Awwww. Likey!

Then came the harsh part of my day which was waiting for part 3 of my driving test which going on the highway. Grrr..... I waited tooo loooongggggg for it. It was only near 6.30p.m. I was called for my turn and the when I sat in the car beside the JPJ officer, I didn't glanced at him too long and just did my thing. Oh wait! I noticed I forgot to hon. Did marks deducted for that? HAHA. LOL. Nevermind. Then where exiting METRO, my engine what cut off, I freaked out; inner-self freaking out like hell.

Outer-self ME: *leaned over to see JPJ writes on paper.* <----so unashamed. *whispers to self* Is he gonna' deduct marks again? AHHH...!
Officer: Continue.
 ME: Oh! Okay. *starts engine*

What can we learn from here? Never suspect anything bad and don't give up. Keep on going. So I drive out on the highway just like how I usually drive. The teacher who used to teach me says I'm the kinda type who loves to step on the pedal. (suka tekan minyak. Kira suka bwk laju laa.) But it's dangerous she said if I don't learn to step on the breaks now and then. So that's what I learnt to control yesterday and it went well today. During the drive, I wasn't nervous talking to the JPJ officer as well as he was kinda' friendly.

"You'll do just fine. No one suspected you were taking a test with those driving skills. Congrats."

Can you imagine to be in my place getting a compliment like that? OMGEE. Not only passing the JPJ motorcyle test but the JPJ Car test. I PASSED! AHHHHHH! :D

P licences for me, babeehhh!

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