Saturday, April 30, 2011

How Childish.

I've been thinking a lot, again. I wonder if I may continue my studies in Form 6? If I get into SMTG. HAHAH! I just love that school. Unbelievable. But then, I got an offer to study at Selangor's Matriculation College. I didn't spelled Selangor, SELANAGOR now right? Sheehs, you guys are freaking me out. I have a typo problem with my keyboard now. Anyway, what if? What if I enter Form 6? I just love school. What a lame excuse for continuing my studies. It's not all fun and game it is now? For me, it doesn't matter where I study. As long I keep on moving towards my dream.

Don't worry about place.
Don't worry about the people.
Just focus on the moment.

Isn't that right?

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