Sunday, April 17, 2011

Say it.

This is late of me to be writting this post seemingly I was really excited I finished my interview with UiTM. Ahh.. It was held at UniTEC in Section 17 Shah Alam. When I got there around 1p.m. with my father, I was like, "Wow, I'm back at school." HAHA. The faculty is like a school bulding. So I won't feel too bad going to Asasi huh? LOL. If I ever get into. Amiinn..

I was rushing to get ready for everything. Urgh, what a pain dismorning when it rained cats and dogs. The test starts with a written test. It was like an exam hall slipted into two divisions. I was in Panel 3 so I took my test in Cendana Hall. The test was an hour long and I had to complete 15 comprehension questions and a 250 words long essay. I was glad it has comprehension but when I started answering, it looks kinda' hard. I read the text and OMG! I can't even understand half of it. I felt like I really wanted to faint. I never thought comprehension can be this difficult. The essay part, taramm jehh! It was a factual essay and I'm not used to writting factual essays when I always chose to write fiction all the time. But it's a general question asking: What are the benifits of social networking like FB, MS and Friendster to teenagers? Then I thought.... (10 minutes later of scribbling.) I HAVE NO IDEA.

Being optimistic, next was the most feared interview. My legs were shaking the whole time I waited but my name was first in line. Ini lah nasib org2 yang namanya mula dgn huruf A kn? But because I was delayed from my abcense to the washroom and I need to resort my file, a few other participants were interviewed first before me. So I had more time to relax. Then my named was called and calmly I went it. Mostly they ask about ourselves in my case, the interviwer asked where do I live?

Me: I live in Taman Sri Gombak in the Gombak distric near Batu Caves.
Interviewer: So how was it like during the Thaipusam festival?
Me: bla bla bla.. tak ingat ckp apa. Laju sgt aku ckp rsenya. haha.
Interviewer: Have you ever went to Batu Caves during the festive season?
Me: No. Not yet.
Interviewer: You're telling me, you lives near Batu Caves all this while and you never went there?
Me: (Inner-self: LOL. I'm not Hindu, I'm not sure what to do if I interrupt.) I wish I have before. I never had a chance. Haha.

Okay, in an interview is most likely not to giggle nervously but laugh and show you enjoy the interview is an exception right? Overall, that's how my interview went. To my friends who will be having an interview soon, goodluck. The only advice I can contribute is "Just be prepared." All the best.

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