Saturday, May 28, 2011

Here I am

Typing on the keyboard of my friend's laptop in room 1A-00-**, Mawar College, UiTM Shah Alam. Aha! :D Miss you guys.

It's already been a week since I've settled in Mawar College and fitting in my new surrounding which is so unfamiliar to me. OMGEE. Hwuuaahh; what a pain. Orientation was bored if my seniors were as outgoing as they were throughout it all week. My first impression about UiTM is: AWSOME.

UiTM di hati ku. <3

Thanks to my abang-abang and my kakak-kakak PM(seniors), I feel that the upbringing at UiTM isn't that bad at all. I'm not saying I dislike UiTm by the sound of it before when it's an Bumiputra only University. But One Malaysia sounds good too. As the introduction of UiTM went on, I believed I had understood fully the objective of UiTM and start to like more of this IPTA. I'll be here for a year or more starting now. Insya-Allah.

I have meet many wonderful people with so many different personalities and backgrounds. They are all nice people. Just for the record: I'm doing just fine. I miss my old friends but the new friends I have are just as loveable. HEHE. You know whaT? I just made my visit to the Education faculty last Friday; which is yesterday, we took another test! WOW! It's to devide the new students into seperate classes starting next week's lecture session. I hope I did well and get put in a good class. Amiin..

Now, in my friends' room just for a short stay because my original room in collage, my room-mates have all gone home for the weekend leaving me all alone. NO! I'm not lonely but I'm having fun. Peace! Listening to them cattering all night long, I have a little thought in my mind will stay a secret for the meantime, I have made up a new resolution for my new University life. Pray for my well-being and I'll do the same for you. Thank you and to all my friends; Welcome to University life! Goodluck! ;)

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