Friday, May 6, 2011


OMGEE. I was so nervous when I wanted to check my status for the results of UPU. I would faint if I didn't get the programme of my choice but I did! So, I was happy beyond words. I was screaming and jumping. I jumped out of the computer chair and cheered. ALHAMDULILLAH. TESL FOUNDATION at UiTM. My first choice and my only interviewed programme I went through. Hwuuahh! How cannot I be happy to spread the word on FB and everything. The first person I called to notify this was my mother indeed. So felt like crying and my mother congratulated me. Next was Iera, my super junior then after was Sazmi. XD

The fourth person to be notified by calling was Nur Lidiya. She was happy for me too. Waaaahhhh. I love you guys and I really appriciate all the good things everyone said to me. Thank you. And congratulations to everyone who were offered a programme in IPTA. I hope you chase what you dream and I'll do the same. Who felt left out, don't give up cause your future depends on you.

Do your very best everyone!

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