Saturday, May 7, 2011



Hye people out there. Officially didn't sleep last night. Yesterday's night. I wanted to sleep but no matter how I changed my position and everything, I couldn't sleep like freaking h***! In the morning I have a tight headache but I need to accompany KakPah also know as Sharifah Marfirah to KAT today. So I didn't take my mototcycle today. The Sofbol tournament turns out that SEMTEG got third place in the end. No excitement. I wasn't there for the tournament for 4th or 3rd place because I was loafing around in the access room talking with Faris and Hafriz. Cikgu Alan talked to me as well. BLA BLA BLA. Taw taw je, baliikkkk.... When I got home I was really exhausted. It didn't took me long to changed my clothes and went straight to bed. I think it was around 3.30 p.m. and I set my clock to ring at 6.00 p.m. but I guess ignored it buzzed. So eventually I got up at 9.00 p.m., just in time to watch Akademi Fantasia 9. HAHA.

That's my day for today. Pffth! BTW, I got UiTM SHAH ALAM as I wished. Now I should realized that I am clearly such a lucky child. ALHAMDULILLAH.

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