Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rank of Ice & Silver Screen

Today I ate Pizza Hut & KFC & McDonald's today thanks to 5 Mechanical 1 crew 2010 and my dearest mother. Muah! I'm satisfied.

Yeah, I would say it has been a long day, thanks to the awful traffic jam at Petaling Jaya, I was stuck in the bus with my younger brother for like an hour and I got home by LRT plus another hour makes me home by 10.30 p.m. Not to mention waiting for my mother to pick me up. It was awful! So I'm tired but I'm still not going to bed because of the the Nescafe Mocha I drank just now. Bleh!

The 5M1 group invited me to Sunway Pyramid today. We mostly eat, walk, eat and then went to see a movie. What movie? The movie was called, "Paul". It's about an alien trying to get home. It wasn't that interesting because I can't find a good motif why on earth this movie exsist? But still, unexpected scenes in this movie made us LMFAO made us all blurr..

After the movie, Eca and Haziq went home leaving myself with Wahyu, Zamri, Halili, Halim, Zulhelmi Rahman at the ice-rank for a few rounds of ice-skatting. I got the hang of it since I used to roller blade a lot when I was small. It helped on the ice so I could only impress myself watching them walking on ice.

I guess I did have fun, a little for the day because I get to see the 5M1 gang before we go our own seperate ways. BUHBYE Mecha students!


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