Friday, May 20, 2011

Welcome to my world of FANFICTION.NET

What's Fanfiction? Dear readers and fellow followers, fanfiction are derived from two words. Look here closely, Fan means someone to fetish over something and Fiction means a story not real; made up. Thus FanFiction means: Made up stories made by people who fetish over something. In, there are these bunch of stories you can read about in all sorts of languages depends on the writters. These writters are individuals who has signed up for as volunteer writters to write all kinds of fanfics to indulge the readers tastes of certain story books, animes, mangas or movies for that kind of fact.

For example: For instant you are a fan of the famous novel series Twilight and you wished more would become of the story or wish for something out of the ordinary were to manipulate this story background; this is the time moment your imaginations goes wild and want to share it with the world. is the place! To sign up and be a user is for FREE! No payments or whatsoelse to anything here. All you need is a passion for writting, reading other fanfics and an amazing imagination out of this world.

As for me, I have been in the world of Fanfiction for as long as I can remember but I haven't wrote any fanfics for a long time since, I dunno, FORM 3. All just because of I moved to SEMTEG and live in the hostels, I didn't bother for the time to make anything new. And then, I just lost track of what I wanna write for my old current Fanfics on my page. AHAHAHA--- But now I'm uploading something there, so I would like to invite my readers.

I'm still just a noob compared to more talented Fanfiction writters if you check many many of my favourite stories. They are very impressive for amazing vocabulary and story-telling. When I came back from PLKN and after my SPM; everything, it kind of reminded me of this site that kind of start a drive inside of me in my hobby as a writter where I love writting what goes on with my imagination, using new words in the dictionary and reading people's story just because to find a new word or something. I really missed those times. So I've updated a lot. And just now I've uploaded my final chapter for this month, I think. I'm going to UiTM and all, so I don't know when I'll be going to write fanfics again. HUHUU---

HAHA, I got loads of comments and questions like: "Ainul, why are you so good in English?" "How is it to get better in English?" My answer would be dears: LOADS AND LOAD OF PRACTICE AND HARDWORK. What do you think I've been doing? Reading, hearing, writting and finally speaking. English is a language which needs practice and understanding. Same goes to all languages. So, feel free to explore the world of language and FANFICTION! Wee----! :D

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