Monday, May 9, 2011

Being Free

I'm inspired by a friend to write the up-coming post here. I'm not sure how long this will take but, "Friend", if you are reading this, I just want you to know, you aren't alone in this world. Well, here it goes.

"It's okay to cry," as I always say to myself but lots of people dislike how I put it and would talk back, "Don't cry. You are all grown up and you need to start acting like one." I am easily touched and sensitive about everything so if I'm hurt or someone close to me is hurt, I would cry yes. But if a million people would to say the right words to stop me from crying, no one would say it right cause they weren't me at that kinda' situation. I kept blamming myself for being a fool; being stupid and everything. I give up when the fight is still going on but I didn't realized that, did I? People around me kept on telling me the same thing over and over until I got tired of it and locked myself away from the world. So whenever I cried, I cried by myself and get on my feet by myself. That was one way to get mentally stronger.

But then, when I was really in a serious depression; speechless and no one was watching, I would talk to myself and without me realizing it, someone heard what I had to say. He said something like this: "Don't bother telling me what you're depressed about. I am just as stupid as you are. The one you should tell your problems to is to ALLAH." So I did just that and I read the Quran a lot too. Read lots of Profet stroies after that and I changed a little. There are worst things to come and kept in mind what my mom used to say to me: "Success and pleassure comes in many different ways, only effort is needed from a single human form. What kind of future you want it to be all depends on you."

So my mind set was always like: "I shall be what I want to be but what makes me tomorrow is today." I will drive everything I have so I will not regret tomorrow. Even if I have likes and dislikes that other people hate but I am certain that someone out there will agree with me. I found proof of that already. I have a few friends and that's enough because they say the right things to me at the right time. I know how to feel independent too when I'm out there alone so wherever I might be in the near future, I shall be ready.

To my "Friend". I know this post have a lot of crap that even I can't make out. Let's all learn a lesson. Nothing is useless in this world. If the world is full of useless things, that it's made up of useless things made by useless people. Useless people comes from useless ideas. Everyone shall feel pain, everyone shares pain. In the end, those who understands the same pain will share the same happiness. Hope that happiness will find you. A true friend to make you smile and remember the ALL MIGHTY. Goodluck.

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