Monday, May 9, 2011

Excited; is suprising

I haven't posted a video on my blog for ages, have I? Because I feel pretty happy today I just want to share a little bit of it on my blog. This video is kinda' fun to watch and I really did just smiled watching it. I am really excited to be going to UiTM Shah Alam this 21st of May and I hope a lot of unexpected events will surprise me will make my Pre-U days so much fun. INSYA-ALLAH. Because this video is an anime which show a lot of high school events of friendship and puppy love, it really makes me dream of a happy memory kinda feeling. When school used to be a part of your life to do so many mistakes and fun things just to make others mad at you. I'm not so good at expressing myself right now but, please enjoy this video. You'll know what I mean when you watch this video.

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