Friday, September 4, 2009

In search for HIM.

Uhh~ Where are you Arif Aiman? LOL Balik balik ko tkde. lalala~ He's missing. I don't exactly know cause I just got back from SMTG. haha KABUT lagi >.<

I think he erase his blog or something... permenantly? AHH~! baka baka baka! Well, the least of my worries now. I think he's fine cause I see his Myspace is updated, SOMEHOW. OMG haha. Now I'm just writting rubbish on my blog but who cares. He's my friend and I haven't seen him for 2 weeks. takpe, nanti jumpa minggu lagi satu ekk? But that's hard. I'll have to take care my duties as a school prefect trainee and I don't think I have time to sneek up to his class. Nevermind. I'm smart enough to think of a way. Wait and watch. HAHA. mengada sengal!

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