Thursday, September 17, 2009


Back to the streets. Today, the hostel-ians od SMTG are sent home. YAY! Just about 3.30 my mom picked me up from my beloved Ehsan to take me home. And I waited from 2.30 p.m. too. Oh that's just great. All my dorm-mates have gone back at that time. No use to hang around the Villa. "Selamat Hari Raya SMTG!"

The plans changed as my mom took me out to Masjid Jamek today. I was still in my school uniform. haha. So much for the publicity. Ignore that. I was tired and was out of air. Erm, if I told you I wasn't good shape to fast, does that give you an idea? Sure. And it was raining. DAMN.

Soon, after a reckless day in KL, we went back. But as my mom want to drive out of the parking area near this small apartment neighbourhood, here comes the REAL ROADBLOCK that I want to point out for the day. There where 3 to 4 dogs in the middle of the road. They were doing SEX! haha. LOLZ All I can do was laugh.

"OMG! Dogs are doing sex in front of the car!" me.
"Why can't they do it someplace else?" my mom.
"0__o" me.
"Isn't this a nuisence?" my mom.
"They are actually doing it. OMG! People are watching us." me.
"Even the Chineses in the house in front are laughing." my mom.

Okay. Something not worth remembering but it's soo funny to not forget that there was a time a pack of dogs happened to have SEX in front of my mom's car one evening before breaking fast today. ROADBLOCK ended.

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