Sunday, September 6, 2009

Long day out :)

Hello again. I can't get enough writting into my blogs lately. I just need to write something new. Today, my mother took me and my siblings out! YAY fantastic :D We went to Jaya Jusco ast AU2; if you know where that is. I hope so. The plan was to go Raya Clothes hunting. But that actually didn't work. When we got there, my siblings kept on getting into quarrels and fights. The best thing they can do in public. I can't stand it! They are embarrasing me, and my mother especially. DUH. Patiences is the key as I say in this pure month, Ramadhan. Well, all we got to buy was for Aiman; two shirts and a long pair of trousers. Oh yea, I got a new set of earphones for my MP3. OH YEAH! FINALLY!

Next, we just walked around; Window Shopping. There were lots of attractive shops and we entered lots of shoes shops. HAHA. The shoes were great. My mother got a pair and so did Nina, my younger sister. Then I saw a book store. Entering a book store is a MUST for me to everywhere I go! HAHA LOLZ. But it wasn't so fasinating. It was only a small store unlike the MPH stores. But as usual I take a longer look at books than the rest so they moved ahead. At the end I didn't get a book. :p

After recklessly being at Jaya Jusco soo long, we wandered back. My mother says we can break fast at my cousins house today. YAY =) At Aunt Noor's house. I haven't gone to my cousin's house for a long time so, I'm happy. Arriving there, the house was kinda' dull. I guess, without the oldest son of the house, my cousin Zarif around, there's not much to boss around. Since we're all grown up too. He hasn't come back from boarding school yet. Oh well! At least the rest of the family is in the pink of health. My mother and aunt ordered some Pizza Hut and that's our menu to break fast. Was that enjoyable. My little adventure ends at 9.00 p.m. and I'm feeling very tired as we went home.

OH! OH! I haven't told you I cut my hair today! Yippee! This is good news. Why? because the last time I cut my hair was last year during the same fasting season just like right now. HAHA. Eiww... That's an ugly fact. Don't get ideas. So anyway, I cut my hair short. It was originally long past below my shoulders now it is cut short again. To get an Idea how my hair looks now, this picture on the left is your reference. HAHA. It's true. My hair looks just like hers ;)


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