Saturday, September 19, 2009


Short NOTE; sorry I can't type something much longer: I wish EVERYONE,
"Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Batin."
To my friends, family, and to all who knows me; I want to say I'm sorry and please forgive all my wrongs and mistakes throughout the whole year and to near future. I may be harsh and rough on everyone, on acciedent and acciadentaly so I hope you will still forgive me. To my dearest family, I love you till the end of my life. Let's celebrate together-gather okay? To my lovely friends, Remember this crappy friend of your even when you are having fun. Best wishes to all. And to all Malaysians, "I'm going home to Johor Bahru!" So drive safely, make sure you get to your kampungs safe and in one piece. Make your families happily waiting.

I'm so excited to be eating ketupat and rendang on the Raya festive season. Care to join? Please come over! I'll be waiting. Have an enjoyable and memoriable Raya celebration. May GOD bless you all. =)

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