Friday, September 25, 2009

1st survey

I always thought surveys were fun so I want to do one for myself for a change. I got this one off Echa Nazlan's blog. Hope you don't mind.

First off, what's your name?
Ainul Aiman bt Mohd Nor Azman

Okay, but what does your best friend call you?
Ainul? Aiman? Nono...? heck.. so many names.

Have you ever kissed someone with braces?
hmm... NO.

Who is the fourth received call on your call log?
OMG! Oniichan owns.

If you could change your eye color what would it be?
hmm... blue.

What is the wallpaper on your phone?
You're Special.

How many pillows on your bed?
3. ^__^

Who was the last text message you sent to?

Is there someone you can't stop thinking about?

What was the best thing that happened to you last year?
Trip to Genting Highlands with 3 Arif.

Do any of your friends annoy you?
Gladly yes.

Who's the fourth person on your contacts list?
Aina. Shahril's gf. haha.

Do you have a crush on somebody?
Yup ;)

Who do you make fun of the most?
that would be... ah! Haziq and maybe Neechan too.

Have you seen your best friend cry?
Sadly, yes.

Do you and your best friend act alike?
Sometimes. It's rather funny too.

What is a noise that you cannot stand?
My younger sister's yelling.

Does your mom vacuum early in the morning, when you're sleeping?
Some time ago.

At what age did you get your mp3 player or ipod?
16. lolz. I just got one for my birthday.

Who is in your house right now?
Me, my younger brother and sister. Mak & ayah keje.

What color is your laundry basket?
Brown & Pink.

Where do you shop the most for clothes?
Shopping mall? idc where as long my clothes are clean & comfortble.

Do your parents have a MySpace account?
wow. NO

Have your parents seen your MySpace page?
hm.. Probably not.... yet. I hope NOT.

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