Friday, September 25, 2009

salam lebaranku =)

Iye, Raya sakan tahun nie, rite? huhuu~ I just want to say my Raya was simple dimple. People may be excited for what to wear? where to go? planned to eat? who to meet? and obviously, how much Raya Money to get? GOSH. I hope to remind all muslims, the important value that we should all not miss out is Family, Friends, honor & respect, and... gratitude. Lots of happy things may happen to us and it's the gratefulness and thankfulness we should plant in our hearts and tighten our SILATURAHIM among us in this festive season.

"Raya, Raya gak... Jangan lupa untuk bersyukur."

This year, I celebrate my Raya at JB. My family can't make it to Bagan Dato', Perak this year :( But it was fun, neitherless. I was reunited with my cousins living in Johor and those busy in KL. As for somebody who doesn't go out much plus being a hostel student, seeing family is so much needed. It makes me happy. I love to see the littles ones like, Dania & Razi. My two outgoing cousins; Kak Maria & Kak Linda, never stopped posing in front of the camera. Zafri the young but big boy happens to run around as usual. My get-so-well-together cousin, Wani; is nervous for her upcoming PMR. All the best even though it's Raya, HAVE FUN. So for the others not mention because you all are such a large number of cousins and relatives to name, I wish a Happy Raya and MAAF ZAHIR BATIN =)

Special speech to my BELOVED family: "Maaf Zahir dan Batin. It's not my fault I'm imperfect. I was born this was. Please forgive my sins and pray for my well-being. Selamat Aidilfitri. May we have another month of blessings from the Al-Mighty. You are always in my HEART."

To my friends, teachers? I wish the same thing. SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI, MAAF ZAHIR & BATIN. Forgive all my mistakes because I know I made a lot. I mean A LOT! But sincerily from my heart, I do pray for each of your happiness. No matter how it may come to you, but it shall come it the best way in GOD's plans for you.

fullstop. :)

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