Friday, September 4, 2009

SMTG stinks!

HAHA. bau laa... Not really. For the first time ever since I stayed at SMTG's hostel, the water supply just been cut off! OH MY GOD! NOOO!!!!!!! My first expression when this first occured last Wednesday night when my dorm-mates complained for the bathrooms have NO WATER AT ALL! I was like, DUH... What now? Since it was the fasting month, I resist on making any up-sudden reactions because patience is the key to success ;)

Anyway, honestly to say... it's kinda' embarrasing but I didn't take a bath that Wednesday. So, yeah... I stink. NOT! I didn't sweat at all that day so I believe I don't smell bad. But what I can't take when there's no water the next morning. I have no idea what to do and I'm so not in the mood to do anything about the water loss. While everybody else keeps complaining about how can they survive not having a bath because they will smell bad and stuff like that; I sneakly didn't care and just wash my face and brush my teeth. I didn't take a bath at all! hahahaha~

Who noticed anyway? I don't care. As long I can go to school comfortably without anyone nagging me and annoy me in any way. But I manage to take a bath that evening and that was okay. I start to feel suffocated and hot because I couldn't get a nice cold bath. But I did Thursday evening. THANK GOD =) Well, I hope when I get back to SMTG, there will water back in the showers of the hostel bathrooms and we can take nice long cold baths with using soap. HAHA :) Please oh please... huhuhu..

p/s: Where did we get water? There are only to places: School building & School Mosque.

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