Saturday, September 12, 2009

Raya Fever

HAHA It's gonna be Raya soon right? Of cause lah! Today, I helped out my mother baked some delecious looking and smelling chocolate-licious biscuits. OH I'm such a ChocoHolic. Hey! Who's stopping me? lalala~ Puasa. . . Puasa. . . Just another day at home with my mother and siblings although my sister can't get annoying as ever. Oh well. This could be the last day returning home for the fasting month and I could be off to my Kampung or what so ever. I'm going back to Johor Bahru this year. And oh! Maybe I'll be at home, most of the days in Syawal. So... I'm so hoping people may drop by at my house during Raya. Please.. oh please... And I wish somebody would ask me out to visit our friends houses in Taman Sri Gombak and where-ever. Hehe :) okay, that's all.

I'm sooo craving for a Roti John for my dinner to break fast tonight. See you at the Bazaar, okay? See you again soon.

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