Friday, September 25, 2009

2nd Survey.

I'm doing another survey. Boredom.

Who are you liking?

Who is your best friend?
hm.. can't make up my mind.

Who makes you happy?
my friends.

Who is your favorite family member on your moms side?

Who is your favorite family member on your dads side?

Who are you closest to?
Amilita Safitri... almost.

Who do you tell your secrets to?
do I have secrets anymore?

Who were you with last night?
my family.

Who do you live with?
my parents and siblings... duh?

What's your full name?

Ainul Aiman bt Mohd Nor Azman

What's your birthdate?
21st of February

What's your favorte color?
White and pink

What's your favorite sport?
Softball... the only sport I could play.

What's your favorite number?
3 times 7 equals to 21.

What do you do in your spare time?
day dreaming? reading?

What are your pets names?
I don't have pets. I'm elergic to many.

What's your favorite song?

What's your favorite T.V. show?

What's your favorite movie?
Anything by Disney pictures.

What vehicles do your parents drive?
Gen2 & uh... Naza Ria?

Where were you on your last birthday?

..... Sg. Buloh and at home

Where do you live?
Taman Sri Gombak

Where do you want to live?
Someplace else. Japan or London?

Where was your last vacation to?
Johor Bahru

Where did you go in a car last?
My house obviously.

Where do your grandparents live?
At Kampung.

Where do you want to go to college?
hmm... still deciding.

Where is your heart?
Inside my body.

When did/will you graduate?

SPM 2010.

When do you want to get married?
Until I'm ready.

When are you happy?
Whenever someone else is happy.

When did you cry last?
Dismorning when I woke up.

When are you moving next?
Huh? I would like to know.

When did you last get a text?
Just now. fail.

When are you going to bed?
When it's night time.

When is the last time you took a vitamin?
erm... yesterday.

Why do you think you were born?

GOD's fate for me.

Why is Britney Spears so messed up?
Is she?

Why are you stressed?
Just broke up.

Why is MySpace so addictive?
Cause people are always so bored.

Why do clowns scare people?
Cause they don't speak to people.

Why are you bored?
I'm in such a depression.

Why is Tom Cruise so wierd?
I don't care.

Why are you taking this survey?
I just want to.

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