Friday, December 24, 2010

Love is a language spoken by everyone, but understood only by a heart.

HAHA! I promised I'd used this in my blog entry. Credits to Ikhmal Aziz. I love this.

Only Ikhmal's photo for My Top Followers is big. I was lazy to enlarge the last two. But click to ENLARGE. Easy right? This thing is fun to laugh at. Gives a smile to some people. Including me. I felt jumpy seeing myself as NUMBER 1? OMG why? Quite a stalker I am. A hobby I guess. Try to think positive cause I'm not hurting anyone. If it really irritates to have a stalker just go up to them and say "No, stop." Say it sincerely, NOT BECAUSE OF JEALOUSY.
More credits to Syed & Halili for the photos. Ikhmal, thanks.

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