Friday, September 25, 2009


a screenshot from my profile on myspace.
I guess I no idea why I wanted to do this. hmm... okay Bloggers, this is preview of my profile on Myspace. Yes, I do have one. I'm lazy to update some crap so I deleted all the things I wrote and from plain white and boring stuff I added a yellow layout, a short video and a comment box. I also added links to my Blogspot account and my Youtube account. To myspacers, if you want to add me, please add me but make sure it's because you want to know me. I'm BORED.

click here to go:

2nd Survey.

I'm doing another survey. Boredom.

Who are you liking?

Who is your best friend?
hm.. can't make up my mind.

Who makes you happy?
my friends.

Who is your favorite family member on your moms side?

Who is your favorite family member on your dads side?

Who are you closest to?
Amilita Safitri... almost.

Who do you tell your secrets to?
do I have secrets anymore?

Who were you with last night?
my family.

Who do you live with?
my parents and siblings... duh?

What's your full name?

Ainul Aiman bt Mohd Nor Azman

What's your birthdate?
21st of February

What's your favorte color?
White and pink

What's your favorite sport?
Softball... the only sport I could play.

What's your favorite number?
3 times 7 equals to 21.

What do you do in your spare time?
day dreaming? reading?

What are your pets names?
I don't have pets. I'm elergic to many.

What's your favorite song?

What's your favorite T.V. show?

What's your favorite movie?
Anything by Disney pictures.

What vehicles do your parents drive?
Gen2 & uh... Naza Ria?

Where were you on your last birthday?

..... Sg. Buloh and at home

Where do you live?
Taman Sri Gombak

Where do you want to live?
Someplace else. Japan or London?

Where was your last vacation to?
Johor Bahru

Where did you go in a car last?
My house obviously.

Where do your grandparents live?
At Kampung.

Where do you want to go to college?
hmm... still deciding.

Where is your heart?
Inside my body.

When did/will you graduate?

SPM 2010.

When do you want to get married?
Until I'm ready.

When are you happy?
Whenever someone else is happy.

When did you cry last?
Dismorning when I woke up.

When are you moving next?
Huh? I would like to know.

When did you last get a text?
Just now. fail.

When are you going to bed?
When it's night time.

When is the last time you took a vitamin?
erm... yesterday.

Why do you think you were born?

GOD's fate for me.

Why is Britney Spears so messed up?
Is she?

Why are you stressed?
Just broke up.

Why is MySpace so addictive?
Cause people are always so bored.

Why do clowns scare people?
Cause they don't speak to people.

Why are you bored?
I'm in such a depression.

Why is Tom Cruise so wierd?
I don't care.

Why are you taking this survey?
I just want to.

1st survey

I always thought surveys were fun so I want to do one for myself for a change. I got this one off Echa Nazlan's blog. Hope you don't mind.

First off, what's your name?
Ainul Aiman bt Mohd Nor Azman

Okay, but what does your best friend call you?
Ainul? Aiman? Nono...? heck.. so many names.

Have you ever kissed someone with braces?
hmm... NO.

Who is the fourth received call on your call log?
OMG! Oniichan owns.

If you could change your eye color what would it be?
hmm... blue.

What is the wallpaper on your phone?
You're Special.

How many pillows on your bed?
3. ^__^

Who was the last text message you sent to?

Is there someone you can't stop thinking about?

What was the best thing that happened to you last year?
Trip to Genting Highlands with 3 Arif.

Do any of your friends annoy you?
Gladly yes.

Who's the fourth person on your contacts list?
Aina. Shahril's gf. haha.

Do you have a crush on somebody?
Yup ;)

Who do you make fun of the most?
that would be... ah! Haziq and maybe Neechan too.

Have you seen your best friend cry?
Sadly, yes.

Do you and your best friend act alike?
Sometimes. It's rather funny too.

What is a noise that you cannot stand?
My younger sister's yelling.

Does your mom vacuum early in the morning, when you're sleeping?
Some time ago.

At what age did you get your mp3 player or ipod?
16. lolz. I just got one for my birthday.

Who is in your house right now?
Me, my younger brother and sister. Mak & ayah keje.

What color is your laundry basket?
Brown & Pink.

Where do you shop the most for clothes?
Shopping mall? idc where as long my clothes are clean & comfortble.

Do your parents have a MySpace account?
wow. NO

Have your parents seen your MySpace page?
hm.. Probably not.... yet. I hope NOT.

salam lebaranku =)

Iye, Raya sakan tahun nie, rite? huhuu~ I just want to say my Raya was simple dimple. People may be excited for what to wear? where to go? planned to eat? who to meet? and obviously, how much Raya Money to get? GOSH. I hope to remind all muslims, the important value that we should all not miss out is Family, Friends, honor & respect, and... gratitude. Lots of happy things may happen to us and it's the gratefulness and thankfulness we should plant in our hearts and tighten our SILATURAHIM among us in this festive season.

"Raya, Raya gak... Jangan lupa untuk bersyukur."

This year, I celebrate my Raya at JB. My family can't make it to Bagan Dato', Perak this year :( But it was fun, neitherless. I was reunited with my cousins living in Johor and those busy in KL. As for somebody who doesn't go out much plus being a hostel student, seeing family is so much needed. It makes me happy. I love to see the littles ones like, Dania & Razi. My two outgoing cousins; Kak Maria & Kak Linda, never stopped posing in front of the camera. Zafri the young but big boy happens to run around as usual. My get-so-well-together cousin, Wani; is nervous for her upcoming PMR. All the best even though it's Raya, HAVE FUN. So for the others not mention because you all are such a large number of cousins and relatives to name, I wish a Happy Raya and MAAF ZAHIR BATIN =)

Special speech to my BELOVED family: "Maaf Zahir dan Batin. It's not my fault I'm imperfect. I was born this was. Please forgive my sins and pray for my well-being. Selamat Aidilfitri. May we have another month of blessings from the Al-Mighty. You are always in my HEART."

To my friends, teachers? I wish the same thing. SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI, MAAF ZAHIR & BATIN. Forgive all my mistakes because I know I made a lot. I mean A LOT! But sincerily from my heart, I do pray for each of your happiness. No matter how it may come to you, but it shall come it the best way in GOD's plans for you.

fullstop. :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I got TAGGED 2.

I got TAGGED by my weird person a.k.a Haziq.

1) Saya suka?
- chocolate! errk... and many other things :D

2) Pada masa ini saya sedang berfikir tentang :
- "bosan menyiapkan tag ini, pada hal tag neechan tak buat lagi." nanti aichan buat ekk?

3) Bila saya tension saya akan :
- menangis kat bantal busuk.

4) Tiga perkara yang akan buat saya tersenyum :~
- makan makanan sedap
- tengok movie best
- dapat call drpd teman2 rapat & bestfriend

5) Tiga perkara yang akan buat saya menangis :
- movie/buku cerita yg sedih.
- org anaiya saya
- berpisah/bergaduh dgn bestfriend

6) Kalau saya ada RM100K :-
- hmm... lanjutkan pelajaran ke U? gi melancong ke luar negara? belanja family and friends makan? pastu sedekah yg lebih kepada yg memerlukan...

7) Sila beri tiga nama untuk ditag :
- neechan
- farah oh! (haha)
- kimiko

End of this Tagged. bored...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I'm Tired

I'm tired of Crying. My heart can't take the pain anymore. It hurts though I'm used to it but... I can't stop crying. I hate this feeling. I wish to forget; but something tells me I shouldn't. My heard hurts. Argh!

I'm tired, I'm sick, I'm hurt.
Why can't it all stop already?
Please help me =(

ps: yes, I'm back and at home. crying again.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Short NOTE; sorry I can't type something much longer: I wish EVERYONE,
"Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Batin."
To my friends, family, and to all who knows me; I want to say I'm sorry and please forgive all my wrongs and mistakes throughout the whole year and to near future. I may be harsh and rough on everyone, on acciedent and acciadentaly so I hope you will still forgive me. To my dearest family, I love you till the end of my life. Let's celebrate together-gather okay? To my lovely friends, Remember this crappy friend of your even when you are having fun. Best wishes to all. And to all Malaysians, "I'm going home to Johor Bahru!" So drive safely, make sure you get to your kampungs safe and in one piece. Make your families happily waiting.

I'm so excited to be eating ketupat and rendang on the Raya festive season. Care to join? Please come over! I'll be waiting. Have an enjoyable and memoriable Raya celebration. May GOD bless you all. =)

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Back to the streets. Today, the hostel-ians od SMTG are sent home. YAY! Just about 3.30 my mom picked me up from my beloved Ehsan to take me home. And I waited from 2.30 p.m. too. Oh that's just great. All my dorm-mates have gone back at that time. No use to hang around the Villa. "Selamat Hari Raya SMTG!"

The plans changed as my mom took me out to Masjid Jamek today. I was still in my school uniform. haha. So much for the publicity. Ignore that. I was tired and was out of air. Erm, if I told you I wasn't good shape to fast, does that give you an idea? Sure. And it was raining. DAMN.

Soon, after a reckless day in KL, we went back. But as my mom want to drive out of the parking area near this small apartment neighbourhood, here comes the REAL ROADBLOCK that I want to point out for the day. There where 3 to 4 dogs in the middle of the road. They were doing SEX! haha. LOLZ All I can do was laugh.

"OMG! Dogs are doing sex in front of the car!" me.
"Why can't they do it someplace else?" my mom.
"0__o" me.
"Isn't this a nuisence?" my mom.
"They are actually doing it. OMG! People are watching us." me.
"Even the Chineses in the house in front are laughing." my mom.

Okay. Something not worth remembering but it's soo funny to not forget that there was a time a pack of dogs happened to have SEX in front of my mom's car one evening before breaking fast today. ROADBLOCK ended.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Half Done ;)

My work for the Prefect ceramony is half done. I actually just finished my Squad's greeting banner. I'm relieved! I know it looks so childish but it will do for last minute's work. LOLZ. I'm excited to be going to the ceramony tonight after breaking fast. We'll be enjoying with the whole prefect body council. Well, I hope we'll have fun. I can't wait. I'm going back to SMTG a little bit early just for that. I need to help my squad mates to set up our party at our location. Shh... Can't tell everything. I'll make sure to take many pictures and you can see it for youself. Bye.


To Arif. Assalamualaikum. Before I can write any longer, I hope that you can read this until the end. It's important that you do. Why I'm writting this cuz I fail at comunication and when it comes to this, I can express my words better when I write. Here it goes...

I can't stop feeling that I'm sorry for the millionth time already plus my fear of facing you when you keep on running away from me. I figured something was still not right. Based on what you wrote about me on your blog. I'm heart broken. Thanks for showing honesty. It's painful. I wish I was more honest but I thought I already said, "I was the reason why you got you into this mess." I guess I didn't make myself clear on that faithful day. So, I tired my best fo find the best words and the best time to tell how stupid I was that I got you suspended. Why on Earth I ever did that? Alright. I was stupid to think the teacher call me because of my recklessness at the hostels. The only way he knows my name would be from the hostels or somewhere cuz at the hostel, I use my online screen name too. Remember the rumors there would be a spot-check at the hostel? I was so focused on my mistake there, until nothing else matters. Before I knew it, there he was asking me, "Who was Joyride?" I lost my focus and blurted out your name. The next thing I knew he said something about wanting know who's blog it belonged to. When I was released, the only thing came to mind was, "Oh! Heck?" I didn't realized what I've done and went to see you after school. I tried to tell you what happened but you walked away. And also, I still haven't figured out how much it trouble it has caused you until after the Xplora programme. Heck! I fail. I'm such a sucky friend to you.

Secondly, I want to tell you. How much you try to tell me it's not my fault but personally to me; as a friend, I'm such a failure! It wasn't my intention to keep secrets from you nor to lie to you. I still lack on how to keep a good friendship with others. I think you got your answer. The honest truth. Plus I want you to know too, you are smarter and braver still to get back up from the ground. You are stronger than I am. Responsible too. But I can't say more than that because between us there's a limit, right? I do wish too we become friends again but now you know how much of an idiot I can be, please deal with it and accept me the way I am. I hate this much about me too. For that, I enjoy being with the people around me, like you and not just Ameer. So, go figure. I'm not ready for a serious relationship just yet. But... I want to belong with you and everybody else. I'm sorry, maybe something won't be the same again after this :(

No, I'm not ready.

I love my friends so I decided to take care of them first before accepting a serious relationship. I am really happy to know that there are people who actually likes me more than anything and I wish to return those feelings too. But I'm just not ready. I like you too but I like and care for friends plus family too so I would ask: "Where would you be placed as my own?" I'm still young and naive. I don't have a stable mind and suitable answer to give back but I wish for you to wait until the right time I shall be there for you. I'm so selfish right now; Pointless; I'm heartless. But at the same time, at the bottom of my heart, you are my everything.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Raya Fever

HAHA It's gonna be Raya soon right? Of cause lah! Today, I helped out my mother baked some delecious looking and smelling chocolate-licious biscuits. OH I'm such a ChocoHolic. Hey! Who's stopping me? lalala~ Puasa. . . Puasa. . . Just another day at home with my mother and siblings although my sister can't get annoying as ever. Oh well. This could be the last day returning home for the fasting month and I could be off to my Kampung or what so ever. I'm going back to Johor Bahru this year. And oh! Maybe I'll be at home, most of the days in Syawal. So... I'm so hoping people may drop by at my house during Raya. Please.. oh please... And I wish somebody would ask me out to visit our friends houses in Taman Sri Gombak and where-ever. Hehe :) okay, that's all.

I'm sooo craving for a Roti John for my dinner to break fast tonight. See you at the Bazaar, okay? See you again soon.

Monday, September 7, 2009


hurmm... it just keeps on going. this time i want to say i'm not happy but i'm glad that i have a friend that cheered me up. i'm not gonna say who cause i think that he/she doesn't want to be famous for this. he/she has enough of me. haha. lalala~ anyway, there were some reasons i was upset and pissed off so i went off in search for a friend to tell all my troubles and he/she was right there and hear me out. i can tell much i anoyyed em' and i hope he/she will be fine after that. okaay.... that's all. thank you, random person :)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Long day out :)

Hello again. I can't get enough writting into my blogs lately. I just need to write something new. Today, my mother took me and my siblings out! YAY fantastic :D We went to Jaya Jusco ast AU2; if you know where that is. I hope so. The plan was to go Raya Clothes hunting. But that actually didn't work. When we got there, my siblings kept on getting into quarrels and fights. The best thing they can do in public. I can't stand it! They are embarrasing me, and my mother especially. DUH. Patiences is the key as I say in this pure month, Ramadhan. Well, all we got to buy was for Aiman; two shirts and a long pair of trousers. Oh yea, I got a new set of earphones for my MP3. OH YEAH! FINALLY!

Next, we just walked around; Window Shopping. There were lots of attractive shops and we entered lots of shoes shops. HAHA. The shoes were great. My mother got a pair and so did Nina, my younger sister. Then I saw a book store. Entering a book store is a MUST for me to everywhere I go! HAHA LOLZ. But it wasn't so fasinating. It was only a small store unlike the MPH stores. But as usual I take a longer look at books than the rest so they moved ahead. At the end I didn't get a book. :p

After recklessly being at Jaya Jusco soo long, we wandered back. My mother says we can break fast at my cousins house today. YAY =) At Aunt Noor's house. I haven't gone to my cousin's house for a long time so, I'm happy. Arriving there, the house was kinda' dull. I guess, without the oldest son of the house, my cousin Zarif around, there's not much to boss around. Since we're all grown up too. He hasn't come back from boarding school yet. Oh well! At least the rest of the family is in the pink of health. My mother and aunt ordered some Pizza Hut and that's our menu to break fast. Was that enjoyable. My little adventure ends at 9.00 p.m. and I'm feeling very tired as we went home.

OH! OH! I haven't told you I cut my hair today! Yippee! This is good news. Why? because the last time I cut my hair was last year during the same fasting season just like right now. HAHA. Eiww... That's an ugly fact. Don't get ideas. So anyway, I cut my hair short. It was originally long past below my shoulders now it is cut short again. To get an Idea how my hair looks now, this picture on the left is your reference. HAHA. It's true. My hair looks just like hers ;)


a Thousand Miles.

I dedicate this song to all my friends. It's my love song that makes me feel whole. ENJOY ;)
***click the next button for different versions of the song.

Music Playlist at

The lyrics:

Making my way downtown
Walking fast
Faces pass
And I'm home bound

Staring blankly ahead
Just making my way
Making a way
Through the crowd

And I need you
And I miss you
And now I wonder....

If I could fall
Into the sky
Do you think time
Would pass me by'
Cause you know I'd walkA thousand miles
If I could Just see you

It's always times like these
When I think of you
And I wonderIf you ever think of me
'Cause every thing's so wrong
And I don't belong
Living in your precious memory

'Cause I need you
And I miss you
And now I wonder....

If I could fallInto the sky
Do you think time
Would pass me by
'Cause you know I'd walk
A thousand miles
If I could Just see you

And I, I...
Don't want to let you know
I, I...
Drown in your memory
I, I...
Don't want to let this go
I, I...

Making my way downtown
Walking fast
Faces pass
And I'm home bound
Staring blankly ahead
Just making my way
Making a way
Through the crowd

And I still need you
And I still miss you
And now I wonder....

If I could fall into the sky
Do you think time would pass us by
'Cause you know I'd walk
A thousand miles
If I could Just see you...

If I could fall into the sky
Do you think time would pass me by
'Cause you know I'd walk
A thousand miles
If I could just see you
If I could just hold you

my comments: I'm so happy that this song lasts enough for it to be sang in a different version by Vanilla Sky. I first heard it a few years ago sang by Vanessa Carlton the original maker of the song. Her singing rocks! I just fell in love with the lyrics and love the melody when she plays it on the piano. I never get tired listening to it until I get carried away into my sleep. When I unexpectedly found the newer version of the song, I thought, "WOW." So, I just want to share the music of this song with my friends and the whole lot of you. See you in my next post too ;)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ramadhan at SMTG

Oh MY GOD! Is is here already? Ramadhan ish here. Syuuukuur~

Oh, hello again :) Ramadhan has already entered its second week and this is the first time I actually get to experiance how fasting works when you live in the Hostels. It's not that fun I tell you! THE HORROR~!!! . . . . . . . . . Well, let's simply put it as not easy and diffcult. Heck? They mean the same. Okay, let's start shall we?

Unlike everyday at home where I can wake up at 5a.m. to have my "sahur", that's usually the same time I wake up to take my bath at the Hostels. So, I had to wake up extra early to have my sahur, at 4.30a.m. The DM(eating hall) prepares food for the students who wants to have "sahur" there but I'm just too lazy to get my butt down there anyway. So yea, I took out my early breakfast like cereal and milk or my maggie mee and eat up. I drink Milo to satisfy my last minutes of "sahur."

Ramadhan is full of Anticipations ;)
Sahur hasn't been a big bother. But when it came down to break fast, it always became a problem. On the first two days was okay when the students are still learning how to preserve seats at the small number of tables and chairs at the DM but after that it became a fuss! They labeled the chairs with their dorms and names and I didn't do anything about it. I had a hard time afterwards getting a spot for myself to break fast at the DM. AHHH~!

Normally the DM will cook us one type of their main course; chicken or fish but now they cook BOTH! haha. terpaksa amik ikan XP They even cooked porrigde but I didn't take it cause I'll be sure to get a round tummy afterwards. I cannot manage too many food at once. I even bought my own drink eventhough they prepared fruit juice. I like the canteen's juice better.

Because we reserve our spots at the DM early about 6.30p.m. we kinda' felt so lazy or just excited enough about the food, we have to do something else filling in the time before we can break our fast for real, at 7.20p.m. One of our activities is solving ADD MATHS problems. LOL Doing homework silly!

After breaking our fast, off to the school mosque. We done out Marghrib and Isyak prayers and further on was the Terawih prayers. The Terwaih is only done during the Ramadhan month and I never-ever done it before so I was excited to know how and see how it was done. YAY!
That's just about all the things I can write about my first week fasting at SMTG. Waking up early at 4.30, no prefect duties during recess, no recess! of cause... a full house at the DM, Terawih until 9.30 so our prep time was reduced. We also didn't came to prep in the evenings. BAHAGIENYER... lalalala~

4 weeks & the YELLOW TAG

Hey there! 4 weeks already and I'm ready to tell everyone. It's been 4 weeks equal to a month. HAHA. It's seems just yesterday I've been running around the school wearing this yellow tag. So, not very soon, my fellow squad members and I will be having our own squad ceromony. HURMM? What? Oh! This is about me being on of SMTG's school prefects. yay! Yea, it has been 4 weeks for me being on the job. Well, just a trainee still. When we are confirmed to be real school prefects, I'll let you know. As a prefect at SMTG, it's not easy. Waking up early in the morning, being on time always, being perfect in class(does that count?) and get called "Balacii" doesn't make the job look fancy. I'm doing this because I felt like I can be responsible in other things, see how far I can manage myself. Of cause I can't handle everything plus all the problems I face from time to time. But, notherless, I have my seniors and fellow Squad 4 members to help me out. Here are my details as a prefect so far.

Name: Ainul Aiman bt. Mohd Nor Azman

Class: 4 Electrical 4

Squad: #4

Mentor: Azra Fakhiera

Other(s): Not tested in higher posts yet.

Well that's about it. I hope everyone in SMTG especially the students will give great response to the new line of prefects as we as still in training but I'm sure we are soon to be offically elected. WOOT! Peace, everyone :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

SMTG stinks!

HAHA. bau laa... Not really. For the first time ever since I stayed at SMTG's hostel, the water supply just been cut off! OH MY GOD! NOOO!!!!!!! My first expression when this first occured last Wednesday night when my dorm-mates complained for the bathrooms have NO WATER AT ALL! I was like, DUH... What now? Since it was the fasting month, I resist on making any up-sudden reactions because patience is the key to success ;)

Anyway, honestly to say... it's kinda' embarrasing but I didn't take a bath that Wednesday. So, yeah... I stink. NOT! I didn't sweat at all that day so I believe I don't smell bad. But what I can't take when there's no water the next morning. I have no idea what to do and I'm so not in the mood to do anything about the water loss. While everybody else keeps complaining about how can they survive not having a bath because they will smell bad and stuff like that; I sneakly didn't care and just wash my face and brush my teeth. I didn't take a bath at all! hahahaha~

Who noticed anyway? I don't care. As long I can go to school comfortably without anyone nagging me and annoy me in any way. But I manage to take a bath that evening and that was okay. I start to feel suffocated and hot because I couldn't get a nice cold bath. But I did Thursday evening. THANK GOD =) Well, I hope when I get back to SMTG, there will water back in the showers of the hostel bathrooms and we can take nice long cold baths with using soap. HAHA :) Please oh please... huhuhu..

p/s: Where did we get water? There are only to places: School building & School Mosque.

In search for HIM.

Uhh~ Where are you Arif Aiman? LOL Balik balik ko tkde. lalala~ He's missing. I don't exactly know cause I just got back from SMTG. haha KABUT lagi >.<

I think he erase his blog or something... permenantly? AHH~! baka baka baka! Well, the least of my worries now. I think he's fine cause I see his Myspace is updated, SOMEHOW. OMG haha. Now I'm just writting rubbish on my blog but who cares. He's my friend and I haven't seen him for 2 weeks. takpe, nanti jumpa minggu lagi satu ekk? But that's hard. I'll have to take care my duties as a school prefect trainee and I don't think I have time to sneek up to his class. Nevermind. I'm smart enough to think of a way. Wait and watch. HAHA. mengada sengal!