Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Writing & Reding

Goodbye test day number Three! Good bye Malaysian Studies. That was really hectic. I wasn't really sure or confident answering that paper. OMAIGAWD ~ But now it's bye bye to Malaysians Studies and Hello Drama class. Hohohohohohohoho~

I didn't want to talk much about Malaysian studies though. I want to talk about my Writing and Reading tests done last Monday and Tuesday. To be frank, these finals made me mentally challenged because I never studied seriously for Writing and Reading. Honest! What do I have to do on these tests for Asasi TESL? Okay..

First of all, the Writing test is sorta' like the paper 1 in SPM where you have to write essays and stuff. Oh yeah. I love writing essays no doubt but I never really excelled in Writing class and all my assignments got lower than 70 marks. Actually around 60 marks. I wondered why. Of cause, I am weak at factual writting, in our language, exemplification essays; where you write something that is factual. I wasn't really good with my facts. My strong points were is story telling a.k.a Narrative essays where there's a plot in our writing. But all this test wants from us is to use all the skills we learnt in class inside the paper for the finals. It wasn't so hard but I didn't feel easy if I don't read the textbook.

Secondly is my Reading test. I also prepared myself for this test. Damn it was so boring reading for my reading test. I didn't know what to read just like my Writing test. Clueless what to revise on. I wasn't the only one but other Asasi TESL students were the same. Reading is all about figuring out how to read comprehension. And damn again I must say because the Reading test was too much to answer. Besides the many and many questions they gave me, it was also the many and many paragraphs I had to read over and over. My friend even counted how many paragraphs were in there to kill time. 52 PARAGRAPHS! No wonder I had a hard time. But it wasn't that difficult to figure out what the question wanted if we really paid attention what we had learnt in Reading class.

I think that's all I'm going to share. I still have Three papers to go and the Asasi Law students haven't start their finals yet. My cousin is taking Asasi Law. We want to go to I-City after the finals. But it doesn't end there, does it? We still have MUET waiting for us.

Who wants so MUET tips???

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