Monday, September 5, 2011

Already 5th September

Hey Yeah! It's already September and things are seeming to be coming to an end for me. In my terms, is NOT the end of the World but just a few things.

First, My First Semester of Asasi TESL - My Final exams are just around the corner in three weeks. All those procrastinated work and assignments that I have, I try to complete them as fast as I can. Uhh, You know how I dislike Homework very much. HAHAHAR. So this is a challenge for me. :)

Second, Eventhough it's not concerning me but My younger brother is gonna have his UPSR soon. Don't know what UPSR is? What is Google for then? Make it your best friend and your life of information technology will become easier! Because he's my younger brother, I worry. I want him to do his best. Like me, he has problems with Pemahaman. I was never good at that subject too. LOL, ;D

And Third, My mother is going away. She's leaving for the United Kingdom soon. After my younger brother settles all his exams here in Malaysia, my Mother and siblings will take off to UK. Huuuurrrmmm.. So I'm stuck here with my Foundations and MUET. *gasps* :O

To sum it up, It's already September and I noticed how fast times flies since I first step foot in UiTM. My life at Shah Alam. Everything seems to be such a bliss and life seems so short. I wanted to do so many things in Shah Alam and my Semester is coming an end soon. Where will I end up next? Where will all my friends end up next? Group 1B, are we going to split up? I'm looking at them now, enjoying their noisy selves and embracing the moment of joy. Thanks guys for staying by my side.

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