Thursday, September 29, 2011


To those who are big fans of Boys Over Flowers(BOF), Sorry. I just love Hana Yori Dango(HYD) more than BOF! Yeah, I've just finished watching the original J-Drama HYD; both seasons and it was the best damn thing ever that's happened to me today. Besides going to working for the first time. That's another story.

I never really watched BOF from the start until the finish but I tried so hard to find out why people liked that Drama from Korea so much. But until I can't stand it so much, I quit watching because it was damn so frustrating and I couldn't make out the storyline. To top it off, it was all unbelievable! Just like Makino Tsukushi would say it. HEHE. I could comprehend and make out what HYD so much easier than BOF. I will state a few reasons why I had fun watching it so much.

As watching HYD, I remember a few scenes that were similar to BOF but that's what made me think and state that HYD was more comprehensible than BOF. OK, to be frank I couldn't remember BOF's story very well but I'm pretty sure some parts of  BOF that was over the top. In BOF, Jun Pyo had a fear of the water but in HYD, Domyouji didn't have that fear. Just another reason for Jan Di to be saved by Ji Hoo and to get kissed by Jun Pyo after saving him from drowning in the pool. It didn't look like a real accident. I get the picture what BOF tried to do but it didn't convinced me just how HYD did. In similar situations, Makino, always gets saved by Hanazawa in many tight situations but it took time for him to actually accept he's helping her as he was annoyed by Makino at first. Makino accidental kiss with Domyouji that she tried to prevent him from fighting with Hanazawa but ends up Domyouji fell on Makino; you can figure out the rest.

Another reason for me fantasizing HYD over BOF was the roles played in F4. Yea, Korean boys have pretty faces; (including you! Kim Hyun Joong! - inner self) but in BOF, I don't see much roles played by the other two friends of Jun Pyo and Ji Hoo. They were most of their time, "OK," "WE'LL GO WITH YOUR PLAN." and stuff alike. No boy love there. :( Rather than in HYD, all of the F4 boys played their part very actively and how they really cared for Makino as Domyouji's love interest and their friend really shows. The friendship built between the F4 members were really crucial in my aspect. I think all their hardships in the story made come thru because of their strong friendship so I was really looking forward to any F4 action.

The reason BOF irritates me the most actually was for Jan Di's and Jun Pyo's over and over delay of their true feelings. Is it only me thinking this way that Korea has too much money to do so many episodes for one drama unlike Japan who makes 10 or 11 episodes for one Drama? Give me a break! Within a short amount of time anything can happen and can be solved. Climaxes and resolutions happened in BOF takes a lot more longer than I expected compared to what happened in HYD. The setting of how two major characters get stuck in an elevator rather in a Ferris Wheel, The setting of Makino seeing Domyouji in New York for only three days by herself rather than the whole F4 doing everything to get her to see Jun Pyo doesn't see more real? It's UNBELIEVABLE!

Jan Di gets too much. Even for how she came to attend a Super Rich school on a scholarship! In the end, the person who gives that scholarship to her is also Jun Pyo's mother turns out to hate her and regretted she gave that scholarship now pushes her away cruelly? I mean, Come ON! Who in the world told you to give her the scholarship in the first place. That was a pure mistake. Makino on the other hand worked her way into attending the school who is own by Domyouji's mother. Pure effort there. It just makes the whole process of Makino and Domyouji all so meant to be.

Makino; "I want to enroll Eitikou because I admire Shizuka-san."
Hanazawa, "You really admire her so much?"

Domyouji, "If you really like Hanazwa so much, he will like you in return. Because you are the girl I APPROVE of."
Makino, "Eh?"

"Then, what should we do about this?" Akira.
"Don't underestimate Makino's and Tsukasa's love. Their bond is a lot stronger than you think," Hanazwa.
"You're right. We are their best audience after all," Shojirou.

Me laughing at myself because I can remember a few lines.

Okay, Me tired of typing. It just so proves I love Hana Yori Dango soooo Much! It's better than Boys Over Flowers. HANA YORI DANGO FOR THE WIN!!!

From left: Sojirou Nishikado, Akira Mimasaka, Tsukushi Makino, Tsukasa Domyouji, Rui Hanazawa

Hana Yori Dango 1 DVD Cover.

Hana Yori Dango 2: Returns DVD Cover

Me, Comparing F4 Korea(above) and Japan(below). Love the one below. I still heart KHJ btw.

More sentimental Hana Yori Dango scenes.

Boys Over Flowers from Korea.

The last scene of Hana Yori Dango 1. Tsukasa going off to New York and Tsukushi had to run after him.

"I need to tell you the most important thing, Arigatou!" - Tsukushi.
"You actually fell in love with me," - Tsukasa; sinister smile.
"Yes, I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU!" - Tsukushi.
"Eventhough you're an Idiot, Selfish, and ..." -You can figure out what happened.

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