Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Silat Cekak, To Be Continued

Today, I and a few friends of mine had our last Silat Training Session for this semester due to Exams and so on. We cannot continue to do more training until next semester but classes are still being held after the final exams with new students from the Degree Programs.

The Training needs a lot of practice and patients. Teamwork and understanding is also important since we are dealing with how to protect ourselves from an attack, we must learn the right way to avoid an attack at the same time not to hurt the other Silat member. The practice is well-coordinated and is a good exercise to the body.

Back to today, after throwing a few punches and and avoiding the attacks, we had our last advice sharing session with our seniors and lastly had a small eat-together party. Just a few box drinks and so-called-junk food. HEHE. I do hope we will still be training together next semester. I'm going to learn this Silat Cekak until the end of the syllabus.


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