Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sad, but. . . .

It's sad to know we're going to exchange classes next semester. It's sad that we won't be having the same noisy and fun environment that we usually have everyday at the faculty. It's sad that we won't have the same usual people we're going to hang out now and then.

I've learnt a lot from Class Group 1B/2011. I won't regret a thing. I heard a lot or read a lot of comments and do I too want to say, this has been my dream come true. Even though this is not; far from perfection to what I wished for but I remember hoping that it will turn out just like this. Laughing, crying... It's just shows how human I am still. Knowing you is a dream come true, knowing myself is a miracle indeed. I'm times I think I lost myself back there; I came to find that I can still hope.

Life is a journey and I have lots to learn form everybody. So, even if I have a different class and friends next semester; I'm just going to embrace the moment. I'm looking forward to getting to know everybody else from the Asasi TESL. I have no regrets - My first semester was heart beating.

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