Friday, September 23, 2011

Me thinking out loud

"I thought Language was a mean to communicate with each other so we can better understand each other. But when two or more languages were created it just made things more complicated. That's how power over one Language to be the connection between people from all places take part of our lives but why people keep on misusing them and say improper things? It's because, we are humans who will regularly do mistakes; to remind ourselves to forgive and forget. Language was suppose to create bonds not to destroy them." -Me thinking Outloud

I'm taking the risk of voicing my mind out. Straight to the point, I think we should take matters very patiently especially when it comes to socializing with people. It takes a lot of courage and a great deal of patients to understand someone better. Asasi TESL from UiTM Shah Alam had an idea to bond with other Asasi TESL students from other campuses. But thinks had gotten worse for everyone now and people are disheartening the idea. a.k.a Group.

I don't mean to make anyone look bad but I want to set our mistakes as an example for many others for the future. We may be studying the same course but that hasn't prove we have the same ideas and understanding of our culture. We are way different than we expected. The culture brought from Shah Alam to other parts of UiTM campuses weren't very well-accepted. And we from Shah Alam can't actually accept their culture too. A misunderstanding? I don't know; I wasn't there. All I knew that we don't get along now.

Just because we are taking the same Programme, taking the same courses doesn't prove we have mutual instincts. It doesn't prove anything. I think it goes the same way for everything example for countries, races, schools and workplaces. We are working towards the same goal but because of simple disruptions and distractions, we fight over small mistakes and can hardly make a truce. Like a paradox, redemption never satisfy a lot of people in this world that ALLAH created for us. He still testify us in many ways but humans just won't give up and lower their ego to let go of their weaknesses. Is this a bad thing to do?

To wait for a time where everyone understand each other and respect each other; to love one another is far away from reality. I guess, this is where it comes down to what the Quran means by GOD IS AL-MIGHTY and AL-KNOWING. Subahanallah.

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