Thursday, September 29, 2011


To those who are big fans of Boys Over Flowers(BOF), Sorry. I just love Hana Yori Dango(HYD) more than BOF! Yeah, I've just finished watching the original J-Drama HYD; both seasons and it was the best damn thing ever that's happened to me today. Besides going to working for the first time. That's another story.

I never really watched BOF from the start until the finish but I tried so hard to find out why people liked that Drama from Korea so much. But until I can't stand it so much, I quit watching because it was damn so frustrating and I couldn't make out the storyline. To top it off, it was all unbelievable! Just like Makino Tsukushi would say it. HEHE. I could comprehend and make out what HYD so much easier than BOF. I will state a few reasons why I had fun watching it so much.

As watching HYD, I remember a few scenes that were similar to BOF but that's what made me think and state that HYD was more comprehensible than BOF. OK, to be frank I couldn't remember BOF's story very well but I'm pretty sure some parts of  BOF that was over the top. In BOF, Jun Pyo had a fear of the water but in HYD, Domyouji didn't have that fear. Just another reason for Jan Di to be saved by Ji Hoo and to get kissed by Jun Pyo after saving him from drowning in the pool. It didn't look like a real accident. I get the picture what BOF tried to do but it didn't convinced me just how HYD did. In similar situations, Makino, always gets saved by Hanazawa in many tight situations but it took time for him to actually accept he's helping her as he was annoyed by Makino at first. Makino accidental kiss with Domyouji that she tried to prevent him from fighting with Hanazawa but ends up Domyouji fell on Makino; you can figure out the rest.

Another reason for me fantasizing HYD over BOF was the roles played in F4. Yea, Korean boys have pretty faces; (including you! Kim Hyun Joong! - inner self) but in BOF, I don't see much roles played by the other two friends of Jun Pyo and Ji Hoo. They were most of their time, "OK," "WE'LL GO WITH YOUR PLAN." and stuff alike. No boy love there. :( Rather than in HYD, all of the F4 boys played their part very actively and how they really cared for Makino as Domyouji's love interest and their friend really shows. The friendship built between the F4 members were really crucial in my aspect. I think all their hardships in the story made come thru because of their strong friendship so I was really looking forward to any F4 action.

The reason BOF irritates me the most actually was for Jan Di's and Jun Pyo's over and over delay of their true feelings. Is it only me thinking this way that Korea has too much money to do so many episodes for one drama unlike Japan who makes 10 or 11 episodes for one Drama? Give me a break! Within a short amount of time anything can happen and can be solved. Climaxes and resolutions happened in BOF takes a lot more longer than I expected compared to what happened in HYD. The setting of how two major characters get stuck in an elevator rather in a Ferris Wheel, The setting of Makino seeing Domyouji in New York for only three days by herself rather than the whole F4 doing everything to get her to see Jun Pyo doesn't see more real? It's UNBELIEVABLE!

Jan Di gets too much. Even for how she came to attend a Super Rich school on a scholarship! In the end, the person who gives that scholarship to her is also Jun Pyo's mother turns out to hate her and regretted she gave that scholarship now pushes her away cruelly? I mean, Come ON! Who in the world told you to give her the scholarship in the first place. That was a pure mistake. Makino on the other hand worked her way into attending the school who is own by Domyouji's mother. Pure effort there. It just makes the whole process of Makino and Domyouji all so meant to be.

Makino; "I want to enroll Eitikou because I admire Shizuka-san."
Hanazawa, "You really admire her so much?"

Domyouji, "If you really like Hanazwa so much, he will like you in return. Because you are the girl I APPROVE of."
Makino, "Eh?"

"Then, what should we do about this?" Akira.
"Don't underestimate Makino's and Tsukasa's love. Their bond is a lot stronger than you think," Hanazwa.
"You're right. We are their best audience after all," Shojirou.

Me laughing at myself because I can remember a few lines.

Okay, Me tired of typing. It just so proves I love Hana Yori Dango soooo Much! It's better than Boys Over Flowers. HANA YORI DANGO FOR THE WIN!!!

From left: Sojirou Nishikado, Akira Mimasaka, Tsukushi Makino, Tsukasa Domyouji, Rui Hanazawa

Hana Yori Dango 1 DVD Cover.

Hana Yori Dango 2: Returns DVD Cover

Me, Comparing F4 Korea(above) and Japan(below). Love the one below. I still heart KHJ btw.

More sentimental Hana Yori Dango scenes.

Boys Over Flowers from Korea.

The last scene of Hana Yori Dango 1. Tsukasa going off to New York and Tsukushi had to run after him.

"I need to tell you the most important thing, Arigatou!" - Tsukushi.
"You actually fell in love with me," - Tsukasa; sinister smile.
"Yes, I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU!" - Tsukushi.
"Eventhough you're an Idiot, Selfish, and ..." -You can figure out what happened.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

A-Cha! Mr. Simple

Why is Super Junior is getting so effin' Awesome? I can't help repeating the new added TEASER of A-Cha; the new song from Super Junior's 5th Album on YouTube. It's addictive. Save me from this effin' awesome sound wave.

This TEASER on A-Cha just takes my breath away everytime I play it.

But sorry Mr. Simple TEASER, it's not funneh. They just do some cool, close-up shooting of every member to make them look so hot. Yea, hot! Something Malaysian guys cannot do. Sorry ~ We don't hate Malaysian guys, still but it is something not worth copying if it's Malaysia. So, keep it real. Let Korea be Korea and Malaysia be Malaysia. Not awesome but the real Mr. Simple MV is so damn freaking Awesome. Hihi. Mr. Simple. XD

PS: K-POP is awesome when in includes Hot Guys or Girls dancing to such effin awesome music which we don't understand half of what they are singing. So I fail right there. I listen to K-POP and I don't understand it, but I love it anyway.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Me thinking out loud

"I thought Language was a mean to communicate with each other so we can better understand each other. But when two or more languages were created it just made things more complicated. That's how power over one Language to be the connection between people from all places take part of our lives but why people keep on misusing them and say improper things? It's because, we are humans who will regularly do mistakes; to remind ourselves to forgive and forget. Language was suppose to create bonds not to destroy them." -Me thinking Outloud

I'm taking the risk of voicing my mind out. Straight to the point, I think we should take matters very patiently especially when it comes to socializing with people. It takes a lot of courage and a great deal of patients to understand someone better. Asasi TESL from UiTM Shah Alam had an idea to bond with other Asasi TESL students from other campuses. But thinks had gotten worse for everyone now and people are disheartening the idea. a.k.a Group.

I don't mean to make anyone look bad but I want to set our mistakes as an example for many others for the future. We may be studying the same course but that hasn't prove we have the same ideas and understanding of our culture. We are way different than we expected. The culture brought from Shah Alam to other parts of UiTM campuses weren't very well-accepted. And we from Shah Alam can't actually accept their culture too. A misunderstanding? I don't know; I wasn't there. All I knew that we don't get along now.

Just because we are taking the same Programme, taking the same courses doesn't prove we have mutual instincts. It doesn't prove anything. I think it goes the same way for everything example for countries, races, schools and workplaces. We are working towards the same goal but because of simple disruptions and distractions, we fight over small mistakes and can hardly make a truce. Like a paradox, redemption never satisfy a lot of people in this world that ALLAH created for us. He still testify us in many ways but humans just won't give up and lower their ego to let go of their weaknesses. Is this a bad thing to do?

To wait for a time where everyone understand each other and respect each other; to love one another is far away from reality. I guess, this is where it comes down to what the Quran means by GOD IS AL-MIGHTY and AL-KNOWING. Subahanallah.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I'm High!

I'm High.
Transcribing makes me high.
I'm having fun transcribing.
I cannot sleep...
...just not yet, that is.
Me hope test go well.
InsyaAllah. :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Writing & Reding

Goodbye test day number Three! Good bye Malaysian Studies. That was really hectic. I wasn't really sure or confident answering that paper. OMAIGAWD ~ But now it's bye bye to Malaysians Studies and Hello Drama class. Hohohohohohohoho~

I didn't want to talk much about Malaysian studies though. I want to talk about my Writing and Reading tests done last Monday and Tuesday. To be frank, these finals made me mentally challenged because I never studied seriously for Writing and Reading. Honest! What do I have to do on these tests for Asasi TESL? Okay..

First of all, the Writing test is sorta' like the paper 1 in SPM where you have to write essays and stuff. Oh yeah. I love writing essays no doubt but I never really excelled in Writing class and all my assignments got lower than 70 marks. Actually around 60 marks. I wondered why. Of cause, I am weak at factual writting, in our language, exemplification essays; where you write something that is factual. I wasn't really good with my facts. My strong points were is story telling a.k.a Narrative essays where there's a plot in our writing. But all this test wants from us is to use all the skills we learnt in class inside the paper for the finals. It wasn't so hard but I didn't feel easy if I don't read the textbook.

Secondly is my Reading test. I also prepared myself for this test. Damn it was so boring reading for my reading test. I didn't know what to read just like my Writing test. Clueless what to revise on. I wasn't the only one but other Asasi TESL students were the same. Reading is all about figuring out how to read comprehension. And damn again I must say because the Reading test was too much to answer. Besides the many and many questions they gave me, it was also the many and many paragraphs I had to read over and over. My friend even counted how many paragraphs were in there to kill time. 52 PARAGRAPHS! No wonder I had a hard time. But it wasn't that difficult to figure out what the question wanted if we really paid attention what we had learnt in Reading class.

I think that's all I'm going to share. I still have Three papers to go and the Asasi Law students haven't start their finals yet. My cousin is taking Asasi Law. We want to go to I-City after the finals. But it doesn't end there, does it? We still have MUET waiting for us.

Who wants so MUET tips???

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sad, but. . . .

It's sad to know we're going to exchange classes next semester. It's sad that we won't be having the same noisy and fun environment that we usually have everyday at the faculty. It's sad that we won't have the same usual people we're going to hang out now and then.

I've learnt a lot from Class Group 1B/2011. I won't regret a thing. I heard a lot or read a lot of comments and do I too want to say, this has been my dream come true. Even though this is not; far from perfection to what I wished for but I remember hoping that it will turn out just like this. Laughing, crying... It's just shows how human I am still. Knowing you is a dream come true, knowing myself is a miracle indeed. I'm times I think I lost myself back there; I came to find that I can still hope.

Life is a journey and I have lots to learn form everybody. So, even if I have a different class and friends next semester; I'm just going to embrace the moment. I'm looking forward to getting to know everybody else from the Asasi TESL. I have no regrets - My first semester was heart beating.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

All Day Raya

I have a Reading Test tomorrow and I can still go out raya? OMAIGOSH! I didn't sleep well last night. thanks to Suyaibah, I woke up at 8a.m. just as I requested if I fail to wake up. Thanks Sue. After waking up, I showered myself, put on a baju raya; the blue one and met up with the other Silat members.

Still don't understand?

I went to the Silat Cekak's Penyelia's Open House today. From 9a.m. dismorning, at UiTM Shah Alam, arrived at the Open House at 10a.m. Along with Suyaibah, Wanny and Diddy; the green leaves of the Club helped out get the Open House ready. After finishing, the Tuan Rumah's wife showed some holiday photos to us and I noticed something. One of their daughter's is a friend of mine at Hillcrest; Amalina - 3 Amal. I was like, "Woa, I know her. My friend is the daughter of the Silat Cekak's Penyelia." o__O

The Penyelia's family then made me somebody familiar in an instant. I was being so awkward because I was not that close with Amalina but we didn't have any real problems while knowing each other so I guess it was fine. All in all, at the Open House was so tiring. We were there for a whole day until Maghrib. After Maghrib, I brought the Silat members to have Raya at my house. The plan to have Raya at my house made me nervous all day. Uhuhuuu~ :( But all that washed away instantly when we got to my house. Everyone was comfortable and friendly. After eating some dinner, filling up our tummies with my Mom's delicious cooking, we head back to UiTM Shah Alam.

Woohoo~ What a Day. I'm tired. We're all tired. But I need to study! Until I'll post again, Bye. :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Watashi ANIMAGAKI daisuki! ^^

I'm seriously in love with today's event where I traveled from Shah Alam to Sunway University just to go to my first Anime Festival. I wanted to go to one since I entered High School; being the OTAKU I was. OK, I was an OTAKU but now that passion wasn't as heated up as I was smaller. Besides that, I only was a fan for very few animes like Cardcaptor Sakura, Tsubasa Chronicles, Digimon, Naruto Shippuden, Ouran High School Host Club ect. To top it up, I always dreamed of Cosplaying but I don't have the time and money so meeting cosplayers would just do.

Going to Animangaki today wasn't planned thoroughly. I was in a rush so to my friends who wished to go to the event, there's still tomorrow. Invite friends, meet up at the gathering and have fun. It was a first time for me going to these kind of events, I felt awkward. I didn't know what to do. My friend Haziq who I brought along was the same; it was his first time too. We would always exchanged glances and ask each other, "Where to go next?" "What to do next?" But the funniest question we frequently ask each other was, "Who's that anime character?" LOLZ

Since we left the Anime world such a long time, we never got up to date and forgot all we knew about anime. Even the most common animes we used to watch when we were kids. How embarrassing. No matter how tiring circling the Hall so many times, we had a great time that we will never regret of going to. Another NEW experience! Next time I go to an Anime Event, I'll make sure to be prepared and invite lots of friends. See you again Animangaki. :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I'm Sorry, I really am

Please Read Carefully.

I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I'm a jerk. I've always being a jerk. Since I've been a jerk for all my life, all the past and current mistakes I've done to each and everyone of you is because of my stupidity. I'm not going to hide my flaws anymore or should I say you've already see them all. I'm the biggest procrastinator you've ever met that even made your studies more difficult to handle; during group work and so on. I'm the biggest sissy you've ever met since I try to put the blame on someone else and ignore what I've done wrong. But the most crucial part of me hurting everyone is my big annoying mouth.

Before meeting all of you, I know there's something wrong with my communication skills. But I didn't know what I said was so wrong that made everyone so offended. Was it something I said or something I didn't said? I noticed as time pass, how we treat each other became different; I was scared of what was the matter. I was even more scared if I didn't know my flaws I would continue to hurt your feeling more. But that still happened anyway because of my slowness; my selfishness not getting to know everyone of you better. I didn't realize what I did or say would hurt anyone if since they didn't say anything in return. I took that kindness for granted by not saying anything to hurt me in return. It was all not to make me feel bad.

I became to think too much and take initiative to isolate myself since I didn't know what I've done wrong and nobody would tell me. I thought isolating made me feel better by not hurting anyone with my so-called-honest-opinion. But the pressure of not expressing myself got the better of me and I would tend to "post" stuff online to make me feel better but on the other side of the story, another person is hurt. I thought it was okay since my stupid posts aren't getting any feedback. I was feeling secure due to the fact, "Maybe it's OK still if I just be myself."

Somebody asked me what is being myself is to me; I thought it was the freedom of expression. I want to believe that what I thought is what I did but after lots of thought, I was wrong. When I reflected myself in the past and the present; I'm still the old annoying person who can act so proud when there's nothing much about myself to be proud of. I'm still this average person who makes all these mistakes; thinking 'I'm just human', and didn't give a second thought what others might think. Sometimes I think I'm the kind of person who has a personality crisis - TAKDE PENDIRIAN TETAP. Always bouncing to one conclusion to another. When the solution is clearly; "I've done something wrong; I need to apologize." "I wasn't there for him/her, I wasn't being supportive." "I didn't clearly explain myself; that's why they are not talking to me." That's why everyone is ignoring me now.

I'm not asking much. I'm not even asking for the impossible like to turn back time. Now, from the bottom of my heart, I apologize to all my friends from Group 1B for hurting your feelings. Sorry Ain, for making you feel like the bad guy in my past post. Sorry to Nabihah and to Bazilah for taking lightly of your advices. I'm a person who needs to change and I should know better that changing isn't something simple as ABC and how serious my situation is. I'm sorry to everyone on of you from the top of the list; Afina to the end of the list; Shadiqah for not knowing you guys personally. I'm been the worst classmate you've ever had to deal with this semester. I know we still have less than 3 weeks being a Group and you can ignore me all you want, but I just want to let you know: I'm really sorry for not caring how you guys may feel for what I've done all this time. I'm still just another messed up person not knowing how I manage her life properly in University. Not knowing how to be a Good Friend.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hiroshima? No, It's O-Shima

This is the place where I first had my first Hokkaido Ramen. Just want to share, this cafe is called O-Shima. I was mistaken it for Hiroshima at first. IT'S O-SHIMA!

Pronunciation. Speaking of that, I had my Listening test dismorning and damn I made a few mistakes during transcribing. Y U CHECK DICTIONARY? ME NO GUSTA. I mistaken 'Owe' for 'Oh' and 'More' for 'Mow'. I was likee, -___- "There was such a word? 'Mow'... DAMMIT." There was also 'Nay' and 'Hay'. There were more INTERESTING transcription words which confuzzled meh but I manage. I hope I nailed more in the Listening part; I think I did well. I Think. :]

Okeh, maybe I shall introduce the infamous 'schwa' to you later.

Silat Cekak, To Be Continued

Today, I and a few friends of mine had our last Silat Training Session for this semester due to Exams and so on. We cannot continue to do more training until next semester but classes are still being held after the final exams with new students from the Degree Programs.

The Training needs a lot of practice and patients. Teamwork and understanding is also important since we are dealing with how to protect ourselves from an attack, we must learn the right way to avoid an attack at the same time not to hurt the other Silat member. The practice is well-coordinated and is a good exercise to the body.

Back to today, after throwing a few punches and and avoiding the attacks, we had our last advice sharing session with our seniors and lastly had a small eat-together party. Just a few box drinks and so-called-junk food. HEHE. I do hope we will still be training together next semester. I'm going to learn this Silat Cekak until the end of the syllabus.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I'm Not Hiding anything Oniichan, :P

Hey people! I'm thirsty for Grammar. I'm caught up in it now. I'm going to try my very best to tune up my Grammar. I may suck at Vocabulary but I'm not gonna lose to Grammar. So yea, that's all to say now? Oh yeah, today the Degree students are registering to UiTM. That means... Kak Aye! My senior from SMT Gombak is coming here! I'm being so excited she's coming here since we're both gonna study at the same faculty. This is going to be fun. Uhh, maybe. But possibly something Fun, kay? Bye. :)

For real, Done.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Already 5th September

Hey Yeah! It's already September and things are seeming to be coming to an end for me. In my terms, is NOT the end of the World but just a few things.

First, My First Semester of Asasi TESL - My Final exams are just around the corner in three weeks. All those procrastinated work and assignments that I have, I try to complete them as fast as I can. Uhh, You know how I dislike Homework very much. HAHAHAR. So this is a challenge for me. :)

Second, Eventhough it's not concerning me but My younger brother is gonna have his UPSR soon. Don't know what UPSR is? What is Google for then? Make it your best friend and your life of information technology will become easier! Because he's my younger brother, I worry. I want him to do his best. Like me, he has problems with Pemahaman. I was never good at that subject too. LOL, ;D

And Third, My mother is going away. She's leaving for the United Kingdom soon. After my younger brother settles all his exams here in Malaysia, my Mother and siblings will take off to UK. Huuuurrrmmm.. So I'm stuck here with my Foundations and MUET. *gasps* :O

To sum it up, It's already September and I noticed how fast times flies since I first step foot in UiTM. My life at Shah Alam. Everything seems to be such a bliss and life seems so short. I wanted to do so many things in Shah Alam and my Semester is coming an end soon. Where will I end up next? Where will all my friends end up next? Group 1B, are we going to split up? I'm looking at them now, enjoying their noisy selves and embracing the moment of joy. Thanks guys for staying by my side.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

11 Over 7

Today I discovered that fitting 11 people in a Car meant for 7 is not the best idea. But watching Cars 2 at City Square was worth it. At least. Hehehe. Raya is done. Merdeka day is done, Assignments are left astray - and I can still go watch a movie! Ainul!!! What to do? Oh well. Cars 2 was amazing. I have no regrets watching it eventhough it's a cartoon. It's still an awesome cartoon. I recommend you guys to watch it - seriously. :)
Here's even a trailer for you guys.

Don't wasting your Raya money on useless things Okay? HEHE.