Saturday, November 19, 2011

My New Semester

Hello. My new semester of Asasi TESL is going to start soon, tomorrow I'll be returning to my college; Mawar but I haven't actually packed my things yet. I'm actually eager to go back anyways because I'm looking forward to who my room-mates may be. They say that our room-mates back at Mawar are already assigned by the college higher-ups. I don't have any real complaints about that, but I only hope I will get along with my future room-mates at Mawar throughout my second semester, InsyaAllah. I'm going to miss Farah, Hazreen and Izzatul. :'(

Besides that, let's talk about my new class. There's no actual streaming even though one of my lecturers said we were ought to be sorted out. Erm.. For my second semester, out of all 5 groups created for this semester, I'll be working together with Group D. I only took a brief look at the list of names but I cannot recognize most of my new classmates but I also have a few good friends from my old group in my new class. So I hope to settle down calmly enough. I'm going to study at my best to achieve my new goals.

Foundation of TESL, I'm going to succeed! Fighting. :D

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