Friday, November 4, 2011

After storm

Hee, after my long silence I finally want to post something. Today, I see many of my UiTM friends seem excited about their first final results. Surely, most of us were worried, and as for me, I was no exception. My first semester as a Foundation student in TESL, knowing English wasn't easy for the first time. Just so you know, it's quite the challenge. So, my results are so and so but I should at least be happy that I didn't fail and don't need to repeat any courses. Yup!

Moving on! Beside telling about the results I received today I'm actually excited to blog about this.

The 2011 MAMA: Music Makes One Song Dance Relay competition. I wanna enter! I wanna enter!

The requirements to enter this competition are simple: make roughly and 90second video of you dancing(shuffling) to support your Stars nominated in the MAMA awards and post in on the Mnet's MAMA awards Facebook. At first I thought it was a cool event but as I looked and read the competition for sometime now, the first prize to get an Invitation to the 2011 MAMA awards in Singapore is the real deal for me. To have a chance to stand on stage with the Korean stars is like a dream come true.

I never been to concerts big as this, and this is just a Song Festival kinda thing. I wouldn't mind going and I've been dreaming to meet with my favourite K-pop stars like: Boyfriend, Super Junior and Kim Hyun Joong. They will are be there! This is a great chance. The only thing that will hold me back is my family's approval.

Please, oh please. I want to realize this dream of mine. I will put in a lot of my effort into this if they just say yes. ^w^

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