Friday, November 25, 2011

I Laughed Out Loud

Not going back home for the weekends and holiday... So my friend, Azeem asked me out to a book fair in Petaling Jaya. We spent long hours just getting there and going back to UiTM. What happened was when sending me back to Mawar, he was nervous because the security guard likes asking questions to unauthorized people who drive their own vehicle into the UiTM grounds. Here it is:

Pak Guard: *looks at us seriously*
Azeem: *think, shows student card*
Pak Guard: Where are you going?
Azeem: Uhh, I want to send my friend to the Faculty of Education.
Me: *looks at Azeem* What?!
Azeem: *confused*
Pak Guard: If so, you have to turn around and go to Section 17
Azeem: o__0 *damn*
 "Um.. NO! Actually I'm going to drop off my friend at Mawar College."
*drives through*
Me: LOLOLOLOLOL. How could you say Faculty of Education? Faculty of Education?! SERIOUSLY Azeem? How long have you been studying at INTEC?
Azeem: I don't know!!! I'm not good with security guards and I get nervous. And NO ONE wants to back me up. Thanks Ainul!
Me: LOL.
Azeem: OH C'mon! I instantly think of you, TESL and the Faculty of Education. I wanted to say Architecture... or ENGINEERING!
Me: Yea, I believe you. Yea.. LOL.

That was the lamest joke Azeem. But thanks to you, I laughed so much today. I had fun hanging out with you and your friend, Ijat(Aizat); hope to see him again soon.

 The friend who shares my hobbies and interests. The story teller and listener; Meet Azeem. My INTEC buddy. I couldn't find a better photo of him since this is the only one on our first encounter at TESL Square.

Trolling. xD

We can make a difference

Today I followed a talk at my Faculty about protecting our nature; our wildlife and why they are important to us. The speaker of the talk was very talented and he gave us a very enthusiastic talk about our tigers being endangered species. Yes people, tigers are endangered species on this planet. Did you know that there are actually 3000 tigers world wide? Only 500 tigers are living here in Malaysia.

WWF, isn't that fighting show but is known as World Wildlife Fun Fund-raising something*. can't remember its name; is NGO to preserve our wildlife. While we are sitting here in front of our laptops, typing away we are using electricity. We use a lot of water everyday for cleaning, drinking... The furniture we sit on, lay down on to be comfortable, remember what they are made off? Natural resources from forests. Even for forests in Malaysia, we can't be too sure how long they will last.

This talk about the relationship between us, humans and Nature made a lot of us TESLIANS think today. One person or another, a little bit or too much has opened their eyes to the important of this responsibility we hold for our nature. Our green future! You may want to stop and think for a while, what is WWF all about because I just known about it today and felt good attending this brief talk today.

Even at first we entered the hall for the sake of being and participating for the faculty. Nobody's time was wasted into listening to this talk.

A banner made by our Faculty of Education seniors. Hand prints of the speakers of WWF and the students. :)

Introducing my new friend & classmate Harith. My dirty hands.

The video that rose our awareness. Share. :)

Hoped you liked it.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

My New Semester

Hello. My new semester of Asasi TESL is going to start soon, tomorrow I'll be returning to my college; Mawar but I haven't actually packed my things yet. I'm actually eager to go back anyways because I'm looking forward to who my room-mates may be. They say that our room-mates back at Mawar are already assigned by the college higher-ups. I don't have any real complaints about that, but I only hope I will get along with my future room-mates at Mawar throughout my second semester, InsyaAllah. I'm going to miss Farah, Hazreen and Izzatul. :'(

Besides that, let's talk about my new class. There's no actual streaming even though one of my lecturers said we were ought to be sorted out. Erm.. For my second semester, out of all 5 groups created for this semester, I'll be working together with Group D. I only took a brief look at the list of names but I cannot recognize most of my new classmates but I also have a few good friends from my old group in my new class. So I hope to settle down calmly enough. I'm going to study at my best to achieve my new goals.

Foundation of TESL, I'm going to succeed! Fighting. :D

MUET soon

Err, I haven't studied much for this MUET. I don't think I will do well. But I will try to answer it with full confidence. I understand that this exam is to test our abilities to interpret data and analysis them. Write them all down to answer the given task. So, goodluck to all MUET takers 2011. Let's wrap it up.

To my dearest little FB sister, Neechan, sorry for keeping you up at this time. Hmm, let's keep our fan girl mode to moderation. *laughs* P/S: Hyunseong daebak daebak more than your Kyuhyun!!!

P/SS (Neechan) : DON'T BE SO MEME. It's creepy. LAWL!

Friday, November 18, 2011

I'm Your Boyfriend

This person, ME, is currently addicted to BoyFriend Korean's boyband. Yay ~

It has almost been 3 months since they started debuting but they are coming out pretty amazing for a rookie Kpop group internationally. I remember well when I first stumble upon their first MV Boy Friend on my friend's wall promoting this group. "You may choose your favourite but the yellowed hair guy is mine." She wrote as a comment. AH ~ At first I didn't take any interest in them because their MV was kinda childish. But as they grew to become more popular, I tried watching again, and instantly I came to like them. Afterwards, I was in dream land. I can't remember why.

I guess I can say they are the first Korean group that I ever fall in love with. I listen to their songs everyday, I watch them on Youtube everyday - I just go crazy over them that I turn into a fangirl mode everytime I see them viral. Even though they aren't really smiling or truly waving at me; just the camera, I just feel stunned in front of my PC that I smile up to my ears that in hurts. Their favourite past time - doing aegyos, to make them look cute in front of the audience or best known as fan service: Seriously, it works. I will go: "STOP BEING SO CUTE, YOU'RE KILLING ME." "I FEEL LIKE DYING." So that's why I'm writing. A last will. HAHA, Not really, Just Kidding.

I feel I kind of understand BoyFriend's concept to promote themselves. Thanks to Starship entertainment, lots and lots of fans are getting to know the BoyFriend members a lot everyday. In my personal opinion, for all single girls (fans), knowing them is like a dream come true. As for me, the favourite member must be a close ideal guy for the girls. It works for me. I know who's my favourite Boyfriend in this group and I think all reviews written about him are pretty close to what I'm looking in a guy to be my Boyfriend. (Now, this sounds mushy already.) xD

For a Kpop group to be this awesomely popular just about their debut - How am I suppose to take my mind of them? I just want them to do well in their work and keep on singing.

BoyFriend fighting!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Another Year of Miracles. I was inspired by a friend to come up with a title as mushy as this. Okay, I'm behind this mushy title.To those who followed my blog way back, I used this title as my blog header. The meaning behind it, I want to say that my passing years during high school was my miracle. I conveyed much of my past wishes in those years in this blog. Okay, enough of that.

I think this title left a mark in my blogging life since I used to write such full-hearted post where I smile, I laugh, I cried and such. High school for me has all those up and down. Now that I am a University student, I only could sigh to reminisce the memories. I know now that those memories aren't beautiful but they also portray who I was. I want to make that my strength. If I can achieve lots of my wishes (goals) back then, I'm sure I can do the same in the present. I just need to work harder than the past. I have to change my mindset too.

Just because I don't have a lot of friends, I don't have any at all. Just because a lot of people say a lot of bad things about me, I should be torn down. I need to move up. I'll try my best to be me. A better me. Going to smile everyday.

This is a screenshot from when I finished my Dance relay competition for MAMA. The one behind me is my neighbor + cameraman. He has helped me a lot. Whether I win or not, I'll accept whatever decision they make tomorrow. I will be half-regret about not winning 1st place because Boyfriend isn't attending MAMA. HIHI.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Wangsa Walk and KHJ

Hello friends. How is everyone? I'm fine. I just got back from Wangsa Walk; spending my time with my friend Diela, a friend of mine from NS. We had fun karaoke and watched a movie. Though, the movie didn't peek my interest that much since it was a Malay comedy movie. I can't get into it much. But it was fun at most parts and thank Diela, I had a great time with you today. Now I'm exhausted!

On the way home, my father brought along the package that I was notified being sent to me dismorning by an anonymous mailman who called me on my cellphone on my way to the LRT station. I was nervous about it all day since he asked for my name and IC number. I was glad for there was a real package waiting for me so I opened it to relieve the curiosity about why a person from a TV station sent me a package? What relations I had with it? I was quite excited to get home myself to open but I can't stand it and went ahead and opened it in the car. Here is what I got:

Kim Hyun Joong's First Mini Album : Break down

My reaction the car was hectic until my cellphone slipped through my hand to the ground. Only my father knew how noisy I was in the car. I couldn't believe my eyes that his album was in my hands right that moment. Now I remember. I entered a contest conducted by which promoted Kim Hyun Joong's First Mini Album. At that time, I was his craziest fan who wanted to meet him so much and hear his songs everyday. He made a visit in Malaysia during September, I think at Pavillion, Times Square, Mid Valley. I wrote a reminder so that I can plan on meeting him but I guess I didn't make it but knowing I won his album was a big relief for me.

I can't remember what I wrote to get my entry to win but I'm very grateful and I want to thank for choosing my entry as one of the winners. Thank you. =)

One of the soundtrack listed - KHJ : Yes I Will

Kim Hyun Joong, you will always be my Prince. Fighting!


Friday, November 11, 2011


1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player must answer the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the game the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and ask them to play and read your blog.
Starting time: 12.58PM

Name: Ainul Aiman binti Mohd Nor Azman

Sisters: she's annoying and sensitive (like me)

Brothers: quiet, funny and loveable
Shoe Size: size 5 (hihi, nice)
Height: 156cm tall.
Where do you live: Taman Sri Gombak
Favorite drinks: Mocha
Favorite breakfast: Toast with eggs

Have you ever been on a plane? : Yes

Fallen asleep in school? : Lost count since I'm in University now.

Broken someone's heart : I think so. (How are suppose to know?)
Fell of your chair: Once in a while back in school.
Sat by the phone and waiting for someone to call: Nope.
What is your room like: Spacious! (but right now it's messy)
What's right beside you? : Malaikat Raqib dan Atid
What is the last thing you ate: Rice

Ever had

Chicken Pox: Can't remember. Yes.

Sore throat: The worse if eating Durian. (pernah what??)

Stitches: Not yet in my life.
Broken nose: Never.

Do you

Believe in love at first sight: Yes, I've been through that stage before.

Like picnics: Yes - sunny weathers and friends.

Who was, were the last person; you danced with : My classmates in Asasi.
Last made you smile : SHINee's Hello Baby
You last yelled at : I rarely yell at people. RARELY..

Today did you

Talk to someone you like : No, I woke up and there's nobody there.

Kissed anyone : No.

Get sick : Healthy as can be.
Talk to an ex : Why???
Miss someone : My mom, family in the UK.
Eat : Yet to do on my list.
Best feeling in the world : Patience.
Do you sleep with stuffed animal: :D
What's under your bed: My stuff. Just stuff.
Who do you really hate: REALLY HATE? Nobody, generally speaking: hate few.

What time is it now: 1.01 PM

5 things i were doing 10 years ago
1. Playing with friends in the neighborhood.
2. Riding my bicycle.
3. Have a big obsession of Digimon and Pokemon.
4. Bullying my younger brother.
5. Hiding my feelings for my first crush.

5 things on my to-do list today.
1. Clean my room.
2. Shopping for groceries.
3. Open Maybank account.
4. Surf the web.
5. Cook something.

5 snacks I enjoy
1. Ice cream.
2. Chocolates.
3.Tutti Fruity!
4. Famous Amos.
5. Popcorn.

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1. Have a house in Korea, Malaysia and Japan.
2. Education reasons. Open a tuition center.
3. Travel with family.
4. Sedekah.
5. Make a movie.

5 of my bad habits
1. I annoy people.
2.Tend to forget things easily.
3. Have a bad ego; pessimistic.
4. Bad social skills.
5. Procrastinate a lot.

5 places I have lived in
1. United Kingdom. (1993-1999)
2. Petaling Jaya. (1999-2000)
3. Taman Melati. (2000-2004)
4. Gombak. (2004- present)
5. Sungkai, Perak. (January - March 2011)

5 people I'm tagging
1) Muhammad Nurhaziq.
2) Khalishan Alias.
3) Ruqayya Fuad.
4) Wan Putri Zulaiqha.
5) Who else reads this. YOU'RE TAGGED. :-)

Monday, November 7, 2011

J-Drama: Last Friends

Enough of K-drama, I moved to watch a little J-drama. So this time I watched a Japanese Drama called "Last Friends". I've been quite intrigued by the idea of wanting to watch it for a long time now since the DVD of this drama has been on the shelves at shops and I didn't pay attention to it until now. But now I've had some time, I watched it somehow, non-stop on my lappy here - "This a quite a difficult drama to watch." Very indeed. It has lots to do with conflicts I never thought of getting myself into but I believe it really happens in real life. What conflicts? - Domestic Violence, Gender Identity Disorder, Incest. From one episode to one episode I took a great deal of brain power to digest every situation happening in that drama to pull out the message that was trying to be conveyed in it. I'm not good at making assumptions but I had my own opinions of life around me.
In short about "Last Friends", the story revolves around Michiru and her best friend from middle school Ruka as they once met again after being separated for 4 years. Michiru moves in with her boyfriend Sousuke, a civil worker but as time moves on with them both living together, Sousuke used violence against Michiru. This leads to Michiru asking Ruka for help and protection. Ruka lives in a sharehouse with Eri and stewardess, and her senior Ogura, plus Takeru, moves in afterwards. Problems on the surface, Michiru being fearful towards Sousuke because using violence to take control over Michiru; Ruka as a motocross racer being fearful of a gender disorder, Takeru hiding a secret that he cannot tell about his trauma. Whether all these problems will dissolve while all of them living together and saving each other holds happiness for them in the future when it was already impossible. [I don't think I want to give away spoilers of the ending because this drama has a very sad ending.]

Photos of the people living in the sharehouse, and their cups. Cuuutteee~ !

I would like to recommend people to watch this drama because I'm sure that not many people would understand the conflict that some people have which some will keep secret. I think we can take the hidden message implied in this drama as a clue to what we; as a society can do to help our friends and support each other when life gets hard. I can't really write a good message about the drama but I found another blogger who wrote one that left a deep impression about this drama in myself.

Clicky here: The Hidden Message.
 [Okay it's someone's review on the last episode.]

Even though watching this drama gave a hard time to understand and everything but I can really get into it and try to understand how the characters must be feeling. And to have the tragic conclusion to their problems, AH THE MISERY!!! WHY? So people, watch Last Friends and who knows who might be your last friend in your life. Have a nice day.

Friday, November 4, 2011

After storm

Hee, after my long silence I finally want to post something. Today, I see many of my UiTM friends seem excited about their first final results. Surely, most of us were worried, and as for me, I was no exception. My first semester as a Foundation student in TESL, knowing English wasn't easy for the first time. Just so you know, it's quite the challenge. So, my results are so and so but I should at least be happy that I didn't fail and don't need to repeat any courses. Yup!

Moving on! Beside telling about the results I received today I'm actually excited to blog about this.

The 2011 MAMA: Music Makes One Song Dance Relay competition. I wanna enter! I wanna enter!

The requirements to enter this competition are simple: make roughly and 90second video of you dancing(shuffling) to support your Stars nominated in the MAMA awards and post in on the Mnet's MAMA awards Facebook. At first I thought it was a cool event but as I looked and read the competition for sometime now, the first prize to get an Invitation to the 2011 MAMA awards in Singapore is the real deal for me. To have a chance to stand on stage with the Korean stars is like a dream come true.

I never been to concerts big as this, and this is just a Song Festival kinda thing. I wouldn't mind going and I've been dreaming to meet with my favourite K-pop stars like: Boyfriend, Super Junior and Kim Hyun Joong. They will are be there! This is a great chance. The only thing that will hold me back is my family's approval.

Please, oh please. I want to realize this dream of mine. I will put in a lot of my effort into this if they just say yes. ^w^