Sunday, June 6, 2010


p/s: click the big words to enter my blog. TQ

They keep on coming. I know it's the holidays already. Stop reminding me.

I week before, I didn't realize we have a two weeks of school holidays. HAHA. Believe me, I lost my calander. Nyao. I don't know. I'm maybe excited for more school days I guess. So now, I'm back home wishing to do more stuff than sitting in front of the PC. I'm still planning. I just got back from my cousin's house. My Kak Maria, just got married. Congrats. I lovee you... Tomorrow, there's more nasi minyak served. HEHE... You won't be seeing me online tomorrow until at night or something. Untill then, wait for me to update more on what happened last April. Lot's of things happened in April, so I just want to rewrite my steps 2 months ago for the collection of my public diary.


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