Gotong Royong. That was the big BUZZ that Saturday. I wake up extra early to join the Junior prefect intro, then I went straight off to Gotong-Royong. Everyone is involved, according to Papa Zamri instructions during Subuh Prayer. I certainly went. Mostly the whole school. Siapa tk pegi, lantak kau la. Pahala tk dpt, dosa kau dapat, siapa tau? I was the first one to be at my classroom. No surprise. I was extra early. I was bored. Then Qayya came. Then Muwaddah and Wan came. I took the chance to sweep the floor. One else was doing it. Qayya done some early preperations. Shedecorated the class with subject nothes and sticked them to the wall. It's not much but it's something. 5 Electric 4 was the least to participate. Look at what I got! I've swept the entire classroom floor and this is what it looks like!
HA! An entire wastebin is full! My classmates sits in a dump.
The Elite floor was a racket! I heard broken glass. It was BROKEN GLASS! A student, IDONTKNOWWHO from 5 Civil 1, acciedently broke a glass window while cleaning it. CRASH!!! KABUT KABUT! HAHA as I watch from above. I finished quickly and went down to 5 Mechanical 1. They certainly look merry cheerful. Most of the class came, even the outsiders. How I envy them. They were busy doing lots of things. Painting the walls, making subject notes, vision banner and ect. They surely work as a class. Great teamwork guys!
Balik dorm....
Baring atas katil.
"Rindu dorm! Rindu katil kuh!"
"Aik. Boleh rindu katil ke?" Syira.
"Rasa cam satu hari tak balik dorm."
"Kau pergi mane Nono?" Izzatul.
"Aku dari pagi tadi pegi perjumpaan pengawas dgn junior. Jogging. Gotong-royong. PENAATT!"
"Ouhhh. Penat.. Tido tido." Hanis.
Hehehehe. Penat laa bongek. :P
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