Friday, May 28, 2010

Number 4

It has been almost 4 weeks I've not returned home. Because I want to study for the exams. Now I'm back! It's glad to be back. I couldn't update on my online connections through Blogspot, Myspace and ect. because my internet access crashed. So at school, I used the access center instead. TQ Aneh! My school is in the middle of exams right now. Form 5 students has 3 weeks exams meanwhile the Form 4 have 2 weeks, I think? Tak kesah arr.. Only one week left and all hostelers are needed home. Nobody can stay back. If it were a normal 2 days and half break, maybe I will consider staying back but I certainly cannot this time. I am needed home where my mother has left home my father and younger siblings. Currently, my mother is attending a talk is America and will be back next Tuesday. I pray her safe. Amiiin~

So, the conclusion here that I am trying to stress out today:

It's so GOOD to be HOME!!!

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