Friday, June 18, 2010

plz oh plz A-LEVEL

A-LEVEL please? Oh GOD, please grant me this wish. I shall pray with all my might and put a great effort into it. I'll try. I know I always talk and don't do but please remind me in the times I shall be weak, to keep on working to this goal. I've been talking about this with my mother. A-LEVEL promises a great future; to my POV. So I shall go for it. All I need is to get excellent grades for my SPM and my mother can discuss it with (who?) so I can realize this plan. I want this. My mother; well family is planning about staying overseas a few month(s)? in the next 2 years, leaving me behind?! NOOOOOO! I want to go! If I want to continue my studies, I'd like to stay close to my family this time. I'm growing up; if anyone notices.

The SPM trials are in 2 months time. I got to start cracking. Goodluck SPM candidates.

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