Sunday, January 31, 2010


I am a senior student now. WOW!

We already took in the 1st in-takes of the new batch for SMTG. Not much. There were only 50+ students who actually registered into this school. WOW. Amazing. Only that many? Most of them are top students with top grades. Most of them have experianced the hostel life as well. So much for the introduction. If they are new to all of this, I won't be amazed if they freak out in the middle of the night come running in and out of the dorms.

What am I blabbering about?

It was fun to watch on the first day the juniors arrived at the DM that evening and all the boys riot. They all didn't want to come in. Then it was me, Amy and the a few of us female seniors took them in. Poor juniors. I remember I didn't get treated like that. But it was a start. They are quite lucky to actually bond with us on the first week. We haven't had a chance to know our seniors this fast.

Well, this Tuesday, the 2nd in-take are coming and it's duty time again. Huaah! Busy again. The orientation for the Form 4 students are in this week as well. Okay, go go SMTG!

Aichan, signing out.

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