Thursday, February 4, 2010

I'm here

HAHA! I'm here laa. Reporting from the SMTG access center. miao. Woohoo! Today, I missed prep on purpose. For a very good reason. Prefect meeting! Tomorrow is a big day. At least for me. :D We, prefects will be conducting Day 2 of the FORM 4's orientation day. Today they have the Peers conducting their orientation so tomorrow will be our day. Everyone is working hard, at least most of us. I see KU Zahir is working the hardest. The MT is running around doing lots of they can. For the under-prefects, some couldn't see that but those who could join and do not complain, I hardly am greatful they had come attented to all meetings. Why I am at the access centre at this time? I was helping Wardah finishing a short "multimedia" for tomorrow. What a crisis! Just kidding. LOL Fuuh~ Almost time. I missed some classes during the Form 4's registery last Tuesday, catching up on homework again. Staying up late to finish them. Guess what now? Sleeping in class again. AHH! Please forgive me fair teachers and loving parents. I am up my limit. I pray for a great success for all my and our hardwork. Goodluck!!! Chaiyok Chaiyok!

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