Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello 2010

Let's start mine okay? I hope you guys out there are still wide awake to read my entry for 2010. I know it must be tiring reading all those others. This shall be my welcoming entry for 2010.

There are so many resolutions I read and told by my friends about what they want to achieve this year. As for my age-mates, of cause this year we all want to get straight A's for SPM. It's a very important exam. Some wrote that they want to be a good student/child/sibling ect ect ect. And some others, the wrote a short speech to ask forgiveness to everyone they know and made mistakes to. For me...

I hope this 2010 will something to remember. Nobody is alone. More achievements will be made. Avoid and lessen the mistakes we usually make. Find an understanding amongst ourselves. I'm going to miss 2009 cause I learned how hard being indepent has been. Now shall be a year I learn to make the better choices than last year. Cause SPM is something to focus on and to the near future.

I have a lot to wish for but I shall list down 10.
Wait for my next post on my 10 wishes of 2010.

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