Saturday, January 2, 2010

Before I forget

Tomorrow I'm going back to my beloved hostels. Yea, right....? I dunno if we're changing dorms or dorm-mates or even have more changing classes which never happened. Though I wish it happens already! ^^; Anyway, I'm excited. Maybe new students will be joing SMTG. I know someone too. He's a neighbour of mine. Yay! So now I'm packing clothes and books and soap, toothbrush and toothpaste.. bla bla bla and homework? Uhh.. okay.

Oh! Before I forget, I haven't wrote in my blog my new year resoultion right? heh. I have though of one. I hope it doesn't sound lame.

This year, never waste another moment regreting.
Find a way to sucess!

Okay, that's my resolution. Or motto. Or whatever... heh. I told you it's kinda lame. But it is MY lame resolution. hahaha. ^^

Remember I told you I want to list down 10 wishes? I haven't planned them carefully but I can give this a shot.

10 WISHES FOR 2010:

  1. I wish to be on time for school. No more rushing to school.
  2. I wish to stay healthy and energetic. No sleeping in class.
  3. I wish to finish homework on time. Get smarter on every subject.
  4. I want to make more true friends. True friends last longer.
  5. I wish to save more money. Rememer: Disneyland.
  6. I wish to be more polite to friends and teachers.
  7. I wish to be a role-model to family, juniors and friends alike.
  8. I wish to be braver to speak out.
  9. I wish for a memorable final, senior year.
  10. I wish for nobody to be alone. :-)

The 10th wish, is a special wish. May everyone's wish come true.

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