Friday, January 29, 2010

SMTG crosscountry.

Merentas desa...?

At last, the 8th batch of SMTG ah-mazing students gets to run in a crosscountry event. It was held on the 23rd of January. Last Saturday. Well, I used to like to participate is crosscountry but now that I think about it, I wish I don't want to run in it. But I forced myself into it. Or else, the home team lose to the other home teams. I am in the Green team. "hijau meletup!"

Well, that morning, we done some streching together. As we counted 1 until 8, I can only hear myself counting. "Ye, memang aku sorang je kira kat sini." Haih. Anyway, it was a battle between home teams.

The guys gets to run first. The siren was set off and they all ran off. When it was the girls' turn, I stayed back in the group, "I wasn't excited at all." I saw the principle was holding the siren. And it went off, we all ran.

The road we take, we had to run pass the gate where some of my friends like Amy, Izzatul, Haziq, Syafiq and Husna was going to a gathering at SBPI Gombak for some motivasional lecture of someting. "I want to go along!" But I can't. I wasn't the selected few. So I waved at them as I passed by them. We had to cross the road into Sg. Pusu. And then we entered UIAM. It was a long path around the campus! I was running and stopping, walking and running. Cikgu Zul Kapali was shouting, "Oi! Lari la rumah hijau. Cepat! Cepat!" Ahh, Cikgu nie. Tau laa.

I wish I could break an ankle of burst my breath but I thought of wanting to finish my last race in high school so make it last something to remember. I am greatful I kept on running and walking until the finish line. AHH! Exahausted. I had a long rest and drink with the other Gream house members at the main hall.

We had a closing ceramony later. Of cause, annoucing the winners from 20 to 1. I knew only a few who won. I didn't care less. I was tired. I saw Ku already sleeping. Miao. Announcing the 1st place for collecting the most points for their home team was the Blue team followed by the red team. And the 3rd was the Green team. I just smiled dryly cuz I don't think I contribute a point for it. I was pretty much dead last.

All that matters, I was cool and tired after the race. It was fun. I have only few pictures of it and have 2 videos on that day in Youtube. Of cause, search it if you try. That's all from me. Sorry for the dry post. I'm tired and busy getting ready for something else of life's plans. See ya soon.

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