Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Peek into my UiTM life

My friends are getting culture shock from FB, "Wah Ainul! On FB speaking English 24/7. What's gone wrong with your Malay Language?" Oh c'mon guys. I don't find nothing weird by that because I commonly use English a lot, don't I? Ahahaha.

I finally live my life as an Asasian of the Foundation of TESL programme at UiTM, Shah Alam and it's been entering week 2! Wee~ It felt like a long period of time but not at all. The orientation week has ended with the Closing Ceromony being live at Dewan Cancelor sekian sekian sekian; I forgot the hall's name. Sorry. Bleh. I was glad it was over and could finally set foot at my faculty for the second time of my life. The first time was during my interview. HEE.

As for my life at Collage so far. I have to share my room with 3 more other TESL students which I'm in such a lucky position compared to others, as they say. Yes, I do enjoy having all my dormmates being TESL students because I don't need to confuse myself hearing different stories from different faculties everytime I step foot in my dorm. There'll be this English zone in my dorm. We clique very well and shall always share stories in our dormatory. Tell jokes and gossips day and night about our classes. Eventhough from the same programme but are seperated into different Groups. That's a good thing. So the picture below is me with my dormmates, my third dormmate can't be seen because at this time she's ironing her shawl at the left side of the photo. You can see a little part of the shawl on the left side bed. HIHIHI. My dormmates are cool because they can accept the giggly, excited me through exhausting days of TESL classes.

As for my classes. There's 7 courses that I'm taking so far. two of my classmates are my ex-schoolmates and the rest are just as much as fun to hang around with. Beware of Group B(my class). Set one foot into my class, you'll be among K-POP, J-POP and anime fans. Don't believe me? HAHA. It's scary but true. Everyone of my classmate is individuallt special and unique in their own way. Within a week of continuous ice-breaking and introduction, we feel like a real class already and feel comfortable with each other. No kidding; TESL student are awsome. There's no time to be shy, time to be scared of being indifferent because we were there with open minds and bright ideas. As they say, one hello can change everything.

By taking the placement test to assort our classes a.k.a Groups, I was placed in Group B. I was like, "Okay, I knew how my results will turn out to be. I'm an average scorer." But my dean said this: "An A, is not an A; an F is not an F." "No passing or failing." Getting to know Group was the most amazing thing that happened to me this week. Now I have 18 new friends in class because we make up 19 students all together. 5 guys and 14 girls. Like civil classes in SMTG.  But heck, we can all understand each other and everyday was another story to smile and laugh about.
I can mention a few names like Nabihah, the amazing class representative of Group B who is now our Asasi TESL society's president. OH WOW! Ryn Roderick pronounced as Ryan; the youngest and the brightest Sabahan that I shall ever met before in my life. Sarah, so supportive. Sora; a girl whose name is really Liyana but it was a common name, we call her Sora. Sir Mag is actually Megat and we call him Sir because he looks like a lecturer with his coat on the first day of class. And there's so many interesting characters in group I have so little time to mention everyone. Within a week as a group, I find it awsome we already done so much together through acciedental events or not at INTEC Section 17, Shah Alam. I really have fun so far in class.

So, I can't really wait for the upcoming weeks to come. I'm really looking forward to an amazing 2 semesters of Mawar Collage and Group B of Asasi TESL, UiTM Shah Alam. Waii~
UiTM dihati ku. <3

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