Friday, June 24, 2011

The Optmistic

"You are really the Optimistic. That's gonna be a problem."
"Because, in reality, no one really cares, do they?"
"Sorry girl, but we're really pessimistic."

Hello, and Salam. The conversation above are between some friends and I. I am the optimistic yet unsure person about how other people judge things. So what happened was, I told them, when I become this teacher figure in the future and teach the future generation; I'd care less about what they think about me. They can hate and mock me for all I care but still, I give them the freedom to be and think whatever they want. The reason behind my statement is because, if I were to control the minds of people will only cause more disturbances to the younger generation. I've seen and felt so. Well, I never been force to become or think of something by anyone else but the outside world has taught me a lot of things that matures my ways of dealing with life.

Life is shared by everyone.

If there are certain people who disturb the peace of how we live; for example: A talented, rich young student is being laid out a single path for his future is said to be normal for rich people. A father passing down his company to his son: I see that totally unfair. He has a right to make up his own future, even if it means to live a throw away his wealth and do something absolutely different from business.

I would deny everything from his. Adolescences. Are in a challenging stage of life. I told many people plus the friends I have that conversation earlier, I want to live for that purpose which is to guide there's teenagers to know what they want in life. No one is truly useless and alone in this world. I'm sure everyone has felt like this some part of their life no matter how and where we live. I too have felt so:


I have my point clear to myself. I'm just gonna finish what I have just start. I don't care if they are pessimistic. I don't care you can call my optimistic. I'll be what ever I can be and you can be whatever you can be. In certain part of our lives, I'm sure we will need each other; one way or another.


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