Thursday, July 15, 2010


Now the juniors are feeling quiet comfortable being at SMTG. I observed that they can do so much freely that the rules of the school became no use for them. I'm still a SENIOR! I think they are disrespectful towards me lately. I can't stand it. Truthfully, I cared so much for them and now it just hurts to know they don't respect us like they used too. There was a choice. One, you can continue to take care of the JUNIORS or not get involve with them. I chose to take care of their well-being in SMTG. But I guess they weren't like us last year. Unlikely last year, none of the seniors didn't care about us. Scolded us about everything. I know how it felt so I only want to be just as fair to only reright their wrongs. I guess that wasn't enough. Brats. That's all I can say.

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