Thursday, July 15, 2010


Shila: Nono! Where are going?
Me: (putting socks on) Uh.. School.
Shila: Where? Why?
Me: Erm.. I forgotten something.
Shila: ?
Me: I left something at school so going to get it.
Shila: Okay.

Some flashback. I didn't lied. Well, only a little. About going to get something. I didn't left anything only forgetting to do something. That something has to do with cats. Okay, that sound kinda' weird but listen to this. Because in the last few weeks ago; can't remember which week, my mom brought some cat food for these poor animals living at SMTG. As for all SMTG-ians know, we have such cute kittens living at our school. I know! CUUUTEEE! Especially the most little one. It's so small it looks like a ball of furr when it sits down. AHH. CUTENESS attack. My mom calls it "kechik". Aww.. mom! So sometimes, at free evenings, I go to school and find those small kittens to give them cat food. So don't try to question why I disappear every evening and wonder at school strangely. I'm looking for lost, hungry kittens!

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