Friday, July 30, 2010


I'm not going to talk about followers on Blogger but this is more to a reality follower. One which exists in my world.

Today, I just got back from school. My father came to collect my result slip. I was very relieved! I thought I was about to cry because thinking none of my parents will come for me today. HEHE. Everyone noticed how glum I was and asked, "What's wrong?" or say, "Cheer up!" Thanks guys! I am actually down with a fever. I took paracetamol dismorning but I was reckless and worked to much of my body today. My energy level is decreasing. HAH! Hard-headed girl I am. Anyway, I didn't know what to do. I just watch people come and go. I even went to the FORM 4 building just to entertain myself with the view of parents of people I don't know. DUUH! Nyihh! What was I doing? And there was this junior, Sazmi, following me around. Tu laa! Nakal lagi. Gatal2 gi bangunan form 4. I'm actually in a bad mood when it comes to him. I had a fight and I don't want to be bothered but it can't be ignored. So the whole day, just playing dumb, watching over the school, talk to friends, teachers and juniors but the sight of Sazmi can't be erased. OH GOD. What the heck is wrong with me???

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