Friday, June 18, 2010

plz oh plz A-LEVEL

A-LEVEL please? Oh GOD, please grant me this wish. I shall pray with all my might and put a great effort into it. I'll try. I know I always talk and don't do but please remind me in the times I shall be weak, to keep on working to this goal. I've been talking about this with my mother. A-LEVEL promises a great future; to my POV. So I shall go for it. All I need is to get excellent grades for my SPM and my mother can discuss it with (who?) so I can realize this plan. I want this. My mother; well family is planning about staying overseas a few month(s)? in the next 2 years, leaving me behind?! NOOOOOO! I want to go! If I want to continue my studies, I'd like to stay close to my family this time. I'm growing up; if anyone notices.

The SPM trials are in 2 months time. I got to start cracking. Goodluck SPM candidates.

Genting Highlands!

Genting walaweyh!! There's loads of people there this season. WHY???? I mean, it's been taken over by people especially Chinese! WTH? I mean, this is Malaysia. Okay whatever. Thinking it over, I got my answer after 2 days being there. I went there with my younger siblings and father. My mother join for the night but she had to go back to work the next day. AWWW~!

Was it fun? Ask the feet which walked all day today and yesterday.

What I shall remember during this experiance is the fun and extrodinare meetings I had from the minute buying the ticket bus until the end of the bus ride home.

Buying the Bus ticket**(DAY 1)

Me: *looks around, saw someone. strares at RAPID KL BUS*
Me: Hey, hey! C'mon Aiman, Nina!
Aiman: What's up?
Me: Just come! I saw a friend of mine.
Nina: A friend?
Me: *runs through crowd.*
I poked Echa Nazlan from behind as she walked into the Terminal station.
Echa: Mak aih! Wha-? Ainul....! *hugs*
Me: Haven't seen you in a looonggg time.
Echa: Me too. Such a long time.
Boy(cannot specify who): I'll buy the tickets.
Echa: Okay. Hey you, where are going today? LRT ride?
Me: No.... GENTING =) and you?
Echa: Midvalley, maybe.
Me: Movies? With him? It's a date right....? *giggles*
Echa: Shh... Secret.
Me: (some secret.)

I missed Echa sooo soo much! HAHA. We didn't talked long anyway. She said something about Genting too. Maybe our former classmate Mustaqim PRS Hillcrest is going to make a Form 3 renunion. I have no problem with that at least. Then she said, "Mesti tak boleh... Jamuan kelas lagikk.." "Like I'm going to mine." -me. If there is ever one to where I am invited.

After LRT walk. waiting... **(DAY 1)

Me: *fidgitting handphone, looks up*
Anep & Redza: *walking, talking* *looks up at me*
Me: *stares* (duuhhh?) (not saying anything there)
Them: *keeps walking* -naek escalator *looks back at me*
Me: Whatever.

I'm not commenting on that one. Obviously weird.

Waiting... evening. Bus station **(DAY 1)

Actually, there is no dialogue. I just saw someone in particually familiar. He's an ex-student of Hillcrest. A prefect, Azri. That is his name. He has a twin? Oh well. I'm no close friend of his but it's kinda' a relief of seeing people we know in such places at such random times... right? OMG! I still reconize people like him? HAHA!

Archery Arcade. **(DAY 2)

It was too noisy to make out.
Guy 1: Hey you! Remember us?
Me: Huh? *blurrr. ignores*
Guy1: Da sombong ekk?
Guy2: *whispers*
Me: Whatever. *plays archery*

After playing archery.

Guy1: Don't you remember me?
Me: No. *trying to remember*
Guy 1: No? REALLY?! Hey Hakim! She doesn't remember us.
Guy 2: She doesn't?
Talks about some kinda' event. Saying their classes were below when my class was at top. Asking where I'm schooling and what form. bla bla bla.
Me: (really, this is stupid. I don't remember anything you said.) I don't know. (strangers for sure.) *walks away*

Okay that was really stupid. But seriously, maybe they took me for someone else? So one of my resemblances are with those two? HAHA. Goodluck resemblence of mine. You have good friends that misses you. If you were in my place, try hugging them. You'll realize not everyone you know can be like them. They were kinda' funny. Once glance at me, they smiled and laughed. Done a funny dance I can't make out. Something they remember my resemblence by, maybe?

Going home. Skyway + Bus station ** (DAY 2)

Walking down the isle...
Dad: Hey!
Cousins & Mak Andak: *waves*
Dad: You came to play?
Mak Andak: Yea. But we only got on 5 at least.
Dad: Hard day?
Mak Andak: Yes. We got on the 10.20 a.m. bus and it was untill 12.20 p.m we got here.

At the bus station...

Me: Hey, how's homework.
Shahmi: I'm free of homework.
Me: Try doing mine. Start with BM.
Shahmi: What? Essays? What else you got?
Me: Add maths... Physics.
Shahmi: I don't take those.
Me: Of cause you don't. That's why I'm giving you my BM homework.
Shahmi: LOL.
Me: How's the holiday? Gone somewhere?
Shahmi: No. Just Pavillion.
Me: I knew you went at least somewhere!

So, that was some kinda' conversation I had with my cousin. He's my age. Taking Vocasional studies at SMTAA? Where's that again? Anyway, he's cool. And easy to talk to. Just when I was boarding the bus, I grab his attention and wrote something on the window. I wrote with my finger backwards so he could understand. It's a mind twister to read each letter I wrote since there's no gasss.... I wrote: "SPM TRIAL IN 2 MONTHS. GOODLUCK."


That's my wonderful extraordinare meetings in 2 days away to Genting Highlands. I'm surely remember this.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

HAPPENED: Kejohanan Antara Teknik

Remember last year? I used to enter many K.A.T and distric competitions to represent my school. It was a lot of fun no doubt. From Scout marching all day to Sofbal practice until I get sunburn. Then missing choir practice because having a fever but ended up entering Solo. I never thought all those things I've done, even if I missed class and practiced until I faint all my life worth a while kept me going for more. I missed last year's K.A.T. Due to budget cut-down, only a few school competitions were held for this year. Not very happening.

For this year, it was a bummer. For me! Our school didn't send the scouts for the marching competition. If they did, I wouldn't have the mood for it anyway. Secondly, I didn't get the chance to play sofball for the districs and K.A.T. It would have been awsome FUN! It all happened because Miss Safinah dragged me in the Debate team. Why didn't I back off? URGH! Kinda' depressed. It wasn't much fun for me. I know for sure. I regret joining the debate. I had the worst memory carved in my mind. And I wish NO ONE, NOT ANYONE to mention 'it' ever again. Cause I've gone through it once, twice and again and again only to realize, I don't want to get involve with anything concerning 'it' again'. That, I will make sure of it. Thank you.

K.A.T Reka Cipta: SMT KL
K.A.T Sofball: SMT Kajang

K.A.T English Debate: SMT KL
K.A.T Football & Rugbi & Takraw & Netball: SMT Kuala Selangor

p/s: I have enough. Let it be the last of 'you'. To others, plz don't be concerned.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Happened in APRIL: Clean UP!

Before I get to the real point of my entry. This happened on the same day of my JUNIOR prefect post and it was on that day, it belonged to Yim Irfan's truly.

Gotong Royong. That was the big BUZZ that Saturday. I wake up extra early to join the Junior prefect intro, then I went straight off to Gotong-Royong. Everyone is involved, according to Papa Zamri instructions during Subuh Prayer. I certainly went. Mostly the whole school. Siapa tk pegi, lantak kau la. Pahala tk dpt, dosa kau dapat, siapa tau? I was the first one to be at my classroom. No surprise. I was extra early. I was bored. Then Qayya came. Then Muwaddah and Wan came. I took the chance to sweep the floor. One else was doing it. Qayya done some early preperations. Shedecorated the class with subject nothes and sticked them to the wall. It's not much but it's something. 5 Electric 4 was the least to participate. Look at what I got! I've swept the entire classroom floor and this is what it looks like!

HA! An entire wastebin is full! My classmates sits in a dump.

The Elite floor was a racket! I heard broken glass. It was BROKEN GLASS! A student, IDONTKNOWWHO from 5 Civil 1, acciedently broke a glass window while cleaning it. CRASH!!! KABUT KABUT! HAHA as I watch from above. I finished quickly and went down to 5 Mechanical 1. They certainly look merry cheerful. Most of the class came, even the outsiders. How I envy them. They were busy doing lots of things. Painting the walls, making subject notes, vision banner and ect. They surely work as a class. Great teamwork guys!

Yea! SPM. 10 A+ okay?

They even brought food! Thankiu.

Busy day, this is the busy life of Sekolah Menengah Teknik Gombak.

Bahasa Melayu:
Balik dorm....
Baring atas katil.
"Rindu dorm! Rindu katil kuh!"
"Aik. Boleh rindu katil ke?" Syira.
"Rasa cam satu hari tak balik dorm."
"Kau pergi mane Nono?" Izzatul.
"Aku dari pagi tadi pegi perjumpaan pengawas dgn junior. Jogging. Gotong-royong. PENAATT!"
"Ouhhh. Penat.. Tido tido." Hanis.
Hehehehe. Penat laa bongek. :P

Happened in APRIL: JUNIOR prefects

Look down here. Junior prefects. Not yet laa. Calon jew. But what I heard recently, they have already been interviewed. Last April, I met theese guys. I was gasping, "SO MANY!" Quite surprised myself. Even if the boys only have a row. That's one long row. Much merrier than the senior male prefects we currently have. Not many familiar faces I know. Girls except. Most of the girls are from my own block. I gathered them. I collected their names one night from dorm to dorm. Calculating, all of them, 20+.

"That's many!" Bella S/U.
"Really?" Me. ._____.?
"What for?" Ku Zahiruddin.
"Junior prefects, duhh." :P

It was an option for regular prefects to join the meeting with the juniors that day. Just a introduction and a morning jog with them. The MT prefects just want the juniors to know the prefect organasation a little. They also have been watchings for some time too. Who's order was that? I think I have an idea who though. Damn it.

Hahaha. Funny thing, while jogging, I tripped on Zuraini and fell. Just being silly. Happy memories prefects. See you all soon. Miss doing duty.

Happened in APRIL: Farwell Tn Hj Jasni

Tuan Haji Jasni. That's the name belonging to our school's head of school dept. and electrical teacher. 9th of April. I think that right? Gosh, this happened months ago. I just didn't feel like posting this up until now. Hehe. I'm such a lazy bum. Okay. I'm not really that close with Tn Hj Jasni but he taught my class PKEE once. Last year. All of 4E4 just stared. I couldn't lift my chin up. So sorry. The class was quite boring.

At his farewell party, assorted clubs and associates were given the chance to preform. I was there to join my Blok Ehsan members to preactice for a choir. Ceh. It supposed to be a group preformance with the other girls' block but it was a hassel to prepare. So it was up to Ehsan Block. The were other preformances from the Boys' block, the Teater club, the Silat Club as always and urmm... I can't remember. But lots of other people and associates helped also to make the farwell party for Tn Hj Jasni a success. He is not retired but is transferred. Transferred where? I forgot that too.

Maybe I didn't care.

Ehsan Block members practicing choir.

Prefects and PEERS line up.

Tuan Haji Jasni. In memories always. Who's replacing him?

Friday, June 11, 2010

taken over

I've been taken over by jealously. Many of my friends have updated their blogs and talked a lot, catched up stories over the holidays. I'm jealous. Seriously I am. If I were to express my feelings with actions, I could kill someone. But GOD is loving. He taught me patience. So no one killed by a 17 year old girl tonight. hehe.

Please give me strength. I want to feel joy and happiness right now. I feel bummer. My holidays without friends are boring. Totally boring. I know most of you, are already going out having the greatest fun without me. It's better that way because I'm not around to reck off the party, right? Go ahead and laugh your socks off. I'm still waiting for a call from you. Seriously I am.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


p/s: click the big words to enter my blog. TQ

They keep on coming. I know it's the holidays already. Stop reminding me.

I week before, I didn't realize we have a two weeks of school holidays. HAHA. Believe me, I lost my calander. Nyao. I don't know. I'm maybe excited for more school days I guess. So now, I'm back home wishing to do more stuff than sitting in front of the PC. I'm still planning. I just got back from my cousin's house. My Kak Maria, just got married. Congrats. I lovee you... Tomorrow, there's more nasi minyak served. HEHE... You won't be seeing me online tomorrow until at night or something. Untill then, wait for me to update more on what happened last April. Lot's of things happened in April, so I just want to rewrite my steps 2 months ago for the collection of my public diary.