Sunday, January 31, 2010


I am a senior student now. WOW!

We already took in the 1st in-takes of the new batch for SMTG. Not much. There were only 50+ students who actually registered into this school. WOW. Amazing. Only that many? Most of them are top students with top grades. Most of them have experianced the hostel life as well. So much for the introduction. If they are new to all of this, I won't be amazed if they freak out in the middle of the night come running in and out of the dorms.

What am I blabbering about?

It was fun to watch on the first day the juniors arrived at the DM that evening and all the boys riot. They all didn't want to come in. Then it was me, Amy and the a few of us female seniors took them in. Poor juniors. I remember I didn't get treated like that. But it was a start. They are quite lucky to actually bond with us on the first week. We haven't had a chance to know our seniors this fast.

Well, this Tuesday, the 2nd in-take are coming and it's duty time again. Huaah! Busy again. The orientation for the Form 4 students are in this week as well. Okay, go go SMTG!

Aichan, signing out.

Friday, January 29, 2010

SMTG crosscountry.

Merentas desa...?

At last, the 8th batch of SMTG ah-mazing students gets to run in a crosscountry event. It was held on the 23rd of January. Last Saturday. Well, I used to like to participate is crosscountry but now that I think about it, I wish I don't want to run in it. But I forced myself into it. Or else, the home team lose to the other home teams. I am in the Green team. "hijau meletup!"

Well, that morning, we done some streching together. As we counted 1 until 8, I can only hear myself counting. "Ye, memang aku sorang je kira kat sini." Haih. Anyway, it was a battle between home teams.

The guys gets to run first. The siren was set off and they all ran off. When it was the girls' turn, I stayed back in the group, "I wasn't excited at all." I saw the principle was holding the siren. And it went off, we all ran.

The road we take, we had to run pass the gate where some of my friends like Amy, Izzatul, Haziq, Syafiq and Husna was going to a gathering at SBPI Gombak for some motivasional lecture of someting. "I want to go along!" But I can't. I wasn't the selected few. So I waved at them as I passed by them. We had to cross the road into Sg. Pusu. And then we entered UIAM. It was a long path around the campus! I was running and stopping, walking and running. Cikgu Zul Kapali was shouting, "Oi! Lari la rumah hijau. Cepat! Cepat!" Ahh, Cikgu nie. Tau laa.

I wish I could break an ankle of burst my breath but I thought of wanting to finish my last race in high school so make it last something to remember. I am greatful I kept on running and walking until the finish line. AHH! Exahausted. I had a long rest and drink with the other Gream house members at the main hall.

We had a closing ceramony later. Of cause, annoucing the winners from 20 to 1. I knew only a few who won. I didn't care less. I was tired. I saw Ku already sleeping. Miao. Announcing the 1st place for collecting the most points for their home team was the Blue team followed by the red team. And the 3rd was the Green team. I just smiled dryly cuz I don't think I contribute a point for it. I was pretty much dead last.

All that matters, I was cool and tired after the race. It was fun. I have only few pictures of it and have 2 videos on that day in Youtube. Of cause, search it if you try. That's all from me. Sorry for the dry post. I'm tired and busy getting ready for something else of life's plans. See ya soon.

I'm so Tired

Tell me you are getting bored of me posting that I am tired. Yes. I'm tired. Terribly tired. Why? How could I not be tired?

I go to school.
7 o'clock in the morning, everyday.

I go to tuisyen.
At night, 8 o'clock at night, 3 days per week.

I do homework.
At least 2 to 3 subjects per day.
Need at least hand them in after school.

I am on duty.
A prefect doesn't rest at school.

I handle a stressful evening.
My dorm-mates are always talking.

I work butt off for prefect meetings.
We will handle a junior orientation next week.

I still have dirty clothes to wash.
Which were never settled.

I write lots of english paper work.
I have essays, and an english debate to prepare for.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

elergic to homework

I feel like I can't do it. Or even touch it. I can barely take a good look at it. The next thing I knew what was coming, my teachers scolded me for not getting it done. haih. C'mon Aichan. Get a grip of yourself. You must do it. Homework is the ladder to success. Miao.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Oh! Block Ehsan.

Because Papa Zamri put a new rule into action, everyone must pray at the school mosque during subuh, lots of things happened. First day waking up for school, nobody from my block bothered to pray at the mosque that morning. More days to come, we did as we told. To be present at the mosque during Subuh, Maghrib and Isyak prayers. The embarrassing moment was shown when picturs of my block at the mosque showed that less than even 10 people were present. What a Shock! NOT? I'm not. I expected that from my block. And they are not happy of cause. I'd care less since I'm a quite a good girl myself.

Since then, my block did the best to show a good change by going to the school mosque, behaving during prep time and ect. With a little counseling session with Papa Zamri, we get the picture. And now, we have a new alias for our Block. Block Excellent.


I'm alive

Yes I am. Going back to school was.... word out of vocabulary. Can't explain.

I can still remember the first expression I got from the first day I stepped into class. "Mak aih? Hidup lagi ke?" Really, !@%#$. Make sense some things are still the same. Though a drastic change made a difference to this ubberly crazy school I go to.

Lots of new rules are put into order. As a prefect, got to keep on my toes. Now that I am in Form 5, nothing gets easier. I realized, we're not children anymore even if I wished I can still be the same old me, I'm alone.

There is something aching inside of me, I don't know what. I feel terribly unhappy how my mind keeps on hurting and turning every corner. Acting all strong and happy when I can't accept lots of things around me. That's reality. I'm my reality, I'm alone. No one truly understands me.

I wish to run. I wish to hit somebody. Am I really a bad person? Is there actually no one to help me? Or even save me? I'm stuck without a choice. Nobody to truly speak to.

I'm limited in what I do though I have lots of things to do.
I'm limited with words, even though I have lots to say.
I'm limited with thoughts, though I have lots to think of.
I don't know what to expect.

First week of school, great enthusiasm. Everything was on the go with a great load of work. I've been on duty without realizing I'm actually slacking off. Honest. I was paralized within action. If you actually understand that. No?

Second week, lots of new rules were made up as the prefect body had to put into a lot of work and it seems like my Squad to be the first to actually pull it off. Gah! Loosing my old status in the Scout society, I gained a new one in the Sofbal team. Guess it yourself. Not proud of it.

Suprising night, my block was haunted for the first time this year malam jumaat. grr. I only got 2 hours of sleep that night but I was happy to have my homework done for the next day finish at least. But for the homework before this, I got scolded for not having them done. Sucks tahap maxima.

I feel sad and a bit lonely for not having long talk with my friends at school. Friends who are close to me. I feel kinda distant with them now. It was when only they finally some of them actually smile or even wave to me, I felt a little less lonely.

Okay, random post. Not in order. Just putting in some emotion.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Before I forget

Tomorrow I'm going back to my beloved hostels. Yea, right....? I dunno if we're changing dorms or dorm-mates or even have more changing classes which never happened. Though I wish it happens already! ^^; Anyway, I'm excited. Maybe new students will be joing SMTG. I know someone too. He's a neighbour of mine. Yay! So now I'm packing clothes and books and soap, toothbrush and toothpaste.. bla bla bla and homework? Uhh.. okay.

Oh! Before I forget, I haven't wrote in my blog my new year resoultion right? heh. I have though of one. I hope it doesn't sound lame.

This year, never waste another moment regreting.
Find a way to sucess!

Okay, that's my resolution. Or motto. Or whatever... heh. I told you it's kinda lame. But it is MY lame resolution. hahaha. ^^

Remember I told you I want to list down 10 wishes? I haven't planned them carefully but I can give this a shot.

10 WISHES FOR 2010:

  1. I wish to be on time for school. No more rushing to school.
  2. I wish to stay healthy and energetic. No sleeping in class.
  3. I wish to finish homework on time. Get smarter on every subject.
  4. I want to make more true friends. True friends last longer.
  5. I wish to save more money. Rememer: Disneyland.
  6. I wish to be more polite to friends and teachers.
  7. I wish to be a role-model to family, juniors and friends alike.
  8. I wish to be braver to speak out.
  9. I wish for a memorable final, senior year.
  10. I wish for nobody to be alone. :-)

The 10th wish, is a special wish. May everyone's wish come true.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello 2010

Let's start mine okay? I hope you guys out there are still wide awake to read my entry for 2010. I know it must be tiring reading all those others. This shall be my welcoming entry for 2010.

There are so many resolutions I read and told by my friends about what they want to achieve this year. As for my age-mates, of cause this year we all want to get straight A's for SPM. It's a very important exam. Some wrote that they want to be a good student/child/sibling ect ect ect. And some others, the wrote a short speech to ask forgiveness to everyone they know and made mistakes to. For me...

I hope this 2010 will something to remember. Nobody is alone. More achievements will be made. Avoid and lessen the mistakes we usually make. Find an understanding amongst ourselves. I'm going to miss 2009 cause I learned how hard being indepent has been. Now shall be a year I learn to make the better choices than last year. Cause SPM is something to focus on and to the near future.

I have a lot to wish for but I shall list down 10.
Wait for my next post on my 10 wishes of 2010.