Saturday, July 30, 2011

Woofing la kan?

Woofing is like, doing crazy stuff. In simple English. HAHA. So, don't go asking me, isn't Woofing means: Barking? Bark Bark? Fearthe dogs. :P Fear TESLians. We had a Listening and Speaking test for a Saturday at INTEC's old library. It's a miracle it finished so quickly. The audio went berserk and the lecturer had to cancel the listening part and go ahead to the transcription writing. It's a Miracle I say! I only did transcription practices before the test. I was so not ready for Listening. Anyway.... HehHehHeh..

Anyway, I tagged along with a couple of TESL friends to Subang Jaya. Why? A certain person said I was too focused on studying. "Go have some fun!" Damnn, okay. So yea, we went Rollerblading at Subang Jaya's new mall next to Subang Parade. I forgot what the mall was call but seriously it's new and it doesn't have a lot of shops opened yet. But it has this so cool and awesome Disco Rollerblading Rank where we played rollerblading. Oh yea, and we danced too. Like a party! We were so wild TESL people. Ahahaha!

Seriously, it was fun. And the question I asked myself today: "It took me a while to do something like this because I stopped myself doing stuff like hanging out, playing outside my house in Gombak. When I am here, I spend a lot of time going places and today I spent a lot of money just to have fun. Was it all worth it?"

"It is worth something. For the sake of experience, you gain something." -Cho Zin.
"I guess you can put it that way." -Me.

"Can we have our Asasi TESL end of year party here President(Bieha) and Vice President(Cho) dearest?" -Ainul Aiman.

Imagine, having all 100 Asasi TESL students squeezed into that one Rollerblading rank having the most awesome party yet! HAHA, nicee idea. :]

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